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Dear Buddy, You crack me up. Was it really necessary yesterday to run over to the neighbors house just long enough to let him scratch your ears and then right away run back here? I’m not even sure he really likes you, but you insist on going over to say Hello every time you see him!
Dear WB, SIT DOWN. Seriously, why can’t you sit down in the Target carts? I am going to invent a car seat like harness for shopping carts. Why has no one thought of that? You squirm out of that little lap belt with ease. It’s no match for your sneakiness! I should get a timer and see if you can get your socks and shoes or out of a shopping cart belt faster. It’d be a tight race!
Dear Snow, I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Please please do not bring the cold cold weather with you though. We want to play outside!
Dear The Games, Only one more week!!! I am so ready to watch all the sports I would never consider watching tv any other time for over a week straight!! Hurry up and start!
Dear Washi Tape, Why are you so cool? And why do I feel like I need a specific washi tape for every activity that ever happens in my life. I am this close to getting camouflage washi tape for B’s National Guard stuff. This close! Someone stop me.
Dear Buzzfeed, A Vice-President? That’s what my job should be? Is it because I said I’d bring my Smartphone to a deserted island? Because that is totally true!
Dear L, I hate to be the one to tell you, but Dr. Martin Luther King is not “the king of the doctors” like you told me he was. You knew what he did which impressed me, but I think his three names has you thrown for a loop!
Dear Starbucks, Ugh. I will miss you. It’s going to suck saying goodbye today. But paying $4.72 every morning for coffee would suck too. I’ll see you next year with my Expresso refill tumbler (bought on clearance) in hand. It was a good time!