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January 2014 Mama’s Got Mail Review

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January Mama's Got Mail
January Mama’s Got Mail

Mama’s Got Mail, who kindly sent me this box to review made it to my mailbox safe and sound today. I actually think this is yesterday’s batch of mail I got this morning, but it will all get here eventually.

If you aren’t familiar, the idea behind Mama’s Got Mail is to help you feel encouraged and supported as a mom so that you can be the best woman you can be. Previous boxes have ranged from books to crafts to jewelry to coffee – lots of different things in these boxes! No matter what it is though, it’s all about taking some time for YOU!

The Box

Mama’s Got Mail ships via USPS Priority Mail and usually takes the promised two days to arrive. This time it took five days to arrive, but that’s because of the weather mess going on here.

First Look

I never know what Mama’s Got Mail is going to do, so I was anxious to see what this month would bring.  And their titles are always pretty catchy, so that always entertains me.

The Information Card

The January 2014 Mama’s Got Mail theme was “Fat & Fiction” and was inspired by New York Times best selling author Tim Ferriss, who says that the two things you should do before bed are “Fat & Fiction”.  Here is what the box included:

~The FatDr. Bronner’s Whole Virgin Coconut Oil ($10.99):  A spoonful of coconut oil before you go to bed every night is supposed to be great for your physical health.  It makes your hair shiny, your teeth white and your skin smoother.  I have tried sample packs on my hair and have been happy and you know what, I am going to try this for the next month or so and see what happens!

The Fat – Dr. Bronner’s Whole Virgin Coconut Oil

~The FictionGone Girl by Gillian Flynn ($14.89):  One of my 2014 goals is to read more, so this totally fits that bill!  And reading helps with your mental health and helps you unwind from your day.  At least it does that for me.  This probably isn’t a book I would have picked on my own (I like books with pink covers and pretty fonts), but I was reading the jacket and it looks really good, so I’m in!

The Fiction – Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

~The Wooden Spoons ($10):  Now this is thoughtful.  So you don’t forget to take the coconut oil, Shannon (the mama behind Mama’s Got Mail) even included a pack of spoons to keep in / on your nightstand so you don’t forget!  No excuses!

The Wooden Spoons

All totaled, I came up with a value of about $35.88  for the physical items in the January Mama’s Got Mail Box.  As always, I can’t put a price tag on the workshop part of the box.  This month’s personal self check-in (the worksheet portion) is all about “Your Relationship with Yourself” and requests that this month, you schedule some YOU time on the calendar!  It also gives you space to put down things you are rocking at as an adult women and some sense of identity suggestions!

What do you think of Mama’s Got Mail?  If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here.  Subscriptions start at $39/month.

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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