January 2014 UBOX Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
January 2014 UBOX
January 2014 UBOX

UBOX, who kindly sent me this box to review, is a monthly subscription box for college students.  They curate boxes with these things in mind “Home Away From Home”, “School is Cool”, “Me, Myself, and Items”, “Care to Share?”, “For the Techie in U” and “Awesome Snacks”.

The Box

UBOX ships via USPS Priority Mail and took only a few days to arrive.  My mailbox was stuffed yesterday and I loved every second of it ;).

First Look

I haven’t seen a ton of reviews on UBOX, but I had a general idea of what to expect.  B’s back in school, so I was hoping that this would have things he’d enjoy.

The Information Card

The January 2014 UBOX theme was “All Things Edible”.  I only took a picture of the contents of the box, but I the front of the information card is presented in syllabus form, which I think is perfect for this kind of box!  I haven’t seen a syllabus in ages (B doesn’t really show me his school stuff), so it kind of took me back to college for a second.  Here is what the box included:

~Food Should Taste Good Sweet Potato Chips:  Totally good.  They will for sure get eaten  by someone around here.

Food Should Taste Good Sweet Potato Chips

~flavrz Organic Drink Mix:  I have tried their regular (i.e. not sport) mixes and think they are quite tasty.  I mean, they aren’t spark, but still.  I am going to give this one to B to try.  He’s been working out again (I should follow his lead) and likely could use a little boost.

flavrz Organic Drink Mix

~Liz Lovely Organic Cowboy Cookie: B saw this and was like “what’s a cowboy cookie”?  And then went on to ask if cowboys really care if it’s gluten-free.  They might B, they might.  Gluten-free or not, the cookie was good!

Liz Lovely Organic Cowboy Cookie

~Annie’s Homegrown Organic Fruit Snacks:  Ohh, we love Annie’s fruit snacks!  And cheddar bunnies too!  L will be thrilled to find these in his lunchbox.

Annie’s Homegrown Organic Fruit Snacks

~Blue Diamond Honey Roasted Almonds:  Totally a B item.  He will happy take these as a snack for school.  He has a LONG day on school days (well nights) and needs all the energy he can get.

Blue Diamond Honey Roasted Almonds

~Madagascar Gummy Vitamins: I love that they included these in the box.  I don’t think that one vitamin was consumed by me while I was in college.  This is a great reminder for college kids.

Madagascar Gummy Vitamins

~Haulin’-Oats My Cherry Amour Oatmeal:  Ohhh, I love the packaging on this one!  You can make the oatmeal right in this container by just adding hot water and then, of course, you can reuse the jar!

Haulin Oats My Cherry Amour Oatmeal

~Chili Lime Krave Jerky:  B likes (but doesn’t love like he loves some beef jerky), so this is a nice addition.  He will appreciate this as an after work – before school snack too I am sure.

Chili Lime Krave Jerky

~Dang Foods Toasted Coconut Chips: I say this every time, but while these are good I want to try the new caramel sea salt flavor they have!  Has anyone tried these yet?  They sound amazing!

Dang Foods Toasted Coconut Chips

~Marlo’s Cookies: I haven’t tried this yet.  It has toasted walnuts, chocolate chips and chocolate covered raisins in it and reminds me of biscotti!

Marlo’s Cookies

~Nana Joes Tony’s Trail Mix:  This is a great box for B!  I have never heard of this brand before, but the trail mix looks delicious and he will love it.

Nana Joes Tony’s Trail Mix

~Chocolate Hazel Pocket Fuel: Mmmm, who can’t use hazelnut peanut better??  Delicious!  They package their full-sized stuff in reusable pouches which I thought was pretty cool too.

Chocolate Hazel Pocket Fuel

~Yogi Ginger Tea:  This is probably the only item I am not excited about in here.  I will add it to my cousin’s tea box though, so at leas someone will be able to use it (or at least try it).

Yogi Ginger Tea

~Hanna’s Honey Sticks:  L always gets a kick out of honey sticks, so these will go to him.  I don’t even think I knew something like this existed until I started getting subscription boxes.

Hanna’s Honey Sticks

I didn’t do a cost breakdown on the January 2014 UBOX because it was mainly food and I find it very difficult to do those on mainly single use snacks.  But there were 14 items in the box and the box is $35/month (see I am putting my college degree to work on this box), so that works out to about $2.50.  Certainly some items cost more than that (the beef jerky, the Haulin’ Oats) and some cost less (honey and the bag of chips), but I would guess that it would have averaged out to right around $30-$35!

What do you think of UBOX?  If you are interested in signing up or just want to learn more, click here!

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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