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Still loving these!

Currently Burning…
Bath & Body Works Watermelon Lemonade. It makes me feel like spring is at least close, which it’s really not.  It’s snowing out now and is supposed to snow even more later tonight.

image credit: BBW
image credit: BBW

Currently Watching…
Brave I think? Totally L’s pick. I am not even sure anyone is really watching though.  They are coloring in the kitchen and probably wouldn’t even know if i turned it off.

Coloring. Yes. Still in PJS.

Currently On My “To Do” List…
Ha. My list is always the same. Disney planning stuff, getting organized, etc.  I also have some blog things to do including figuring out how we can get some RAK’s going around here and also I totally want to revamp the “Reviews” tab.  Oh and I still to do that “About Me” page that used to be here, but isn’t anymore because it had some weird link in it that was causing troubles.

Currently Excited About…
March subscription boxes!  The beginning of the month means a fresh set of boxes and the anticipation of what is coming is so exciting to me.  Of course, I am super excited about PopSugar and the special edition Resort Box!  Ohh and I am also super excited that my Facebook page is closing in on 4,000 likes!!!  I am not sure what I’ll be giving away once I get to 4,000, but it will be fun!

Currently Annoyed About…
Ugh.  AT&T.  That’s what I am annoyed about.  First of all my internet still isn’t fixed.  They were supposed to come out Thursday, but were running behind and I couldn’t wait all day so I had to reschedule until today.  The dude comes out today and what do you know, he can’t swap out our modem because their system is down.  Super.  So they need to come back out next week.  And I kid you not, yesterday an AT&T truck who was doing work at a neighbors house destroyed our mailbox (and the neighbors).  Not kidding.  It’s demolished.  B did his best to prop it back up, but it’s toast.  AT&T knocked on the door last night at 9pm and explained the entire situation (they will fix).  I was telling B about it and he’s all well is our internet fixed at least?  Umm, no B.  It was someone else’s AT&T guy that did it to our mailbox.  Our guy hadn’t even been out yet.  AHHHHHHH!

Currently Obsession…
Vue cups.  I am so obsessed with checking the site and seeing if any new flavors have been introduced.  There are so many amazing K-Cups and it’s about time they step it up for the Vue Cups!

Get some better flavors!

Currently Anxious About…
Decorating for Easter!  I know it’s a bit early, but I so many to get my stuff out and Spring it up in this house!  I am also beyond excited that next weekend is Spring Forward.  If it can’t be warm, at least it can stay light out longer!

So ready.

Currently Buying…
I am pretty sure I am going to be buying more Bath & Body Works candles before the day is out.  They are having a sale (but really when don’t they) and I “need” more, so it just works out.

So much BBW love today.

What’s currently going on with you?


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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