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Sunday Sentiments

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You know the drill, I am stealing Jen’s Sunday Sentiments button and idea and making it mine tonight.

~Happy Sunday!  This weekend has actually felt nice and long and I appreciate that!  B took the boys out for breakfast this morning, so I even got some all alone in the house time in.  I love that and love that they go out every Sunday!

Sunday Breakfast

~Has anyone tried the app “Lose It” iPhone app?  They were talking about it on the Today Show today and it looks really cool.  Kind of like MyFitnessPal, but I think I like the layout on this one better.

~I finally bought some new sheets today (at Target of course) and I believe it is the first time in at least 10 years that I have bought printed sheets.  It actually may even be longer than that.  I just do not buy printed sheets.  Always solid colors.  Always.  But I branched out and am feeling quite good about it.  I am still on the hunt (and have been for ages) for a new duvet, but I just can’t make up my mind.  Where do you shop for stuff like that?  Maybe I need some fresh ideas?

New Sheets

~I am planning on picking the first (random) winner for the Bracket Challenge tomorrow!!  I will post on here who it was and also in the discussion section of the bracket challenge.  I can’t figure out everyone’s names on there, so make sure to check in there (or here) tomorrow!!!  Also, some of you guys are killing it with your brackets.  Mine is so busted it’s not even funny.  But some of you are doing awesome!!  And I am just loving the games and the upsets!  As long as my Spartans keep winning (last night was a little too close for comfort), I am a happy girl.

~Has anyone ever tried these “Perfect Fit Meals“?  We have them at our new Kroger so I picked a few up to try.  They aren’t cheap, but they are healthy and SO convenient.  And they take one minute to make.  No, seriously.

Pretty Good

~I didn’t do a New Additions to the Subscription Box List post today because I only know of a handful  of new ones.  I will probably wait until next Sunday when I know of a few more.  Oh and the 3-Month PopSugar Giveaway ends tonight, so if you haven’t entered or want to get a few more of the entry options in, don’t forget!

~Someone needs to take my iPhone away because not only am I addicted to Candy Crush, I am also hooked on stupid Farm Heros too.  Ahhhhhh. Why do I get sucked into this? Why can’t I stop???

That’s about it from here tonight! What are your plans for tonight?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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