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Celebrity Gossip Time!

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Celeb Gossip
We haven’t done this in ages and are LONG overdue for some celebrity gossip. So much to discuss.

~Tori & Dean. What on earth is going on there? I totally believed when we heard that he was cheating on her. I really like her, but I never got the sense he was umm, the best husband ever. However, rumors are now swirling that they fakes the entire cheating scandal for their new reality show. Say what? Obviously I am naive because I would never have thought this on my own. I do think he really did cheat on her, but is this “scandal” real or are they reenacting what happened before?

~Lindsay Lohan. That girl is all over the place. She’s drinking again. She lost a baby. She’s dating a married man. She’s mad that her inner circle betrayed her and her “list” got out. That list though?  I had no idea some of those names would be on there.  Justin Timberlake, Adam Levine (WHAT?), Zac Efron, Ashton Kutcher????  LINDSAY!  Who knew!  That’s a lot of look looking men right there.  You gotta admit, she has good taste.

~I hate to even call her a celebrity, but I read that Jenelle was talking to none other than Kieffer while Nathan was in jail.  Ahh, Jenelle!  What are you thinking??  What are you thinking???  And she’s telling Kieffer how great Nathan is and how he has a great job and all this, but umm, he’s in JAIL.  I’m guessing it’s a bit hard to be a personal trainer when you are there!

~This isn’t gossip really, but that video of Brian Williams rapping Gin & Juice?  Ha!!!  I love it. I love when Jimmy Fallon does that kind of stuff. And I loved even more that Brian Williams was on his show that night and seems highly entertained by all this.

~And finally, I almost can’t believe it, but Chris Brown is still in jail. He must be so mad. I had almost forgotten about his troubles until I saw an article the other day. Clearly the judge hasn’t forgotten though!!!!

I am not going to even get into the rumor that Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber’s Dad hooked up, but I did hear that.  Oh man.  What other celebrity gossip is going around lately?  Have I missed anything?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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