Celebrity Gossip Time!

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Celeb Gossip
I have been catching up on my celebrity gossip this weekend (thank you US Weekly and Star) and need to talk to someone about all this!

~I’ll start this one off just like I did last weeks. What is going on with Tori Spelling? Now (according to Star Magazine), she’s popping vicodins, being hospitalized for headaches and ignoring her kids? What? She’s a mess. And he’s a disaster.  If he only cheated on her with that one woman, then I am Santa. Well, wait.  LOL! Anyway, are they together just for this new show and not in real life? I could see that. Totally.

~George Clooney is engaged!  OMG, incredible.  He’s said a million times it wasn’t happening again, but clearly never say never.  Amal Alamuddin sounds like a catch and I am dying to know if she’s going to change her name! I mean she’s obviously very successful on her own, but he’s George Clooney!

~So I think basically everyone thinks the same thing about Donald Sterling, but this V. Stiviano character?  What in the world.  I watched her interview with Barbara Walters (that’s one hour of my life I would like back) and am not sure what to make of it all.  I really didn’t believe much of what she said and none of it really made sense, but she’s his “silly rabbit” and his “right hand arm”.  What?  And those visors she’s wearing around?  What?

~James Franco needs to get off Instagram.  What is up with his creepiness lately?  That creepy bathroom selfie where he’s umm, holding himself?  Has he always been a little off and we just never noticed before?

~And finally I can’t recall the name of the horse that won the Derby yesterday (I know it was the favorite though), but you know what I do recall?  Johnny Weir’s hat!  What a creation! Can someone please give these two a talk show?  I don’t really want them to interview anyone.  I just want them to talk about their thoughts on fashion and other celebrities f0r about 30 minutes a day.  That would be amazing.

Love that hat

What other celebrity gossip is going around lately?  Have I missed anything?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!