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Friday’s Letters

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Dear PopSugar, My goodness, 6.1 pounds for the Summer Fun Must Have box? What is in you? I cannot wait to find out! I have my fingers crossed for spoilers soon!

Dear L, I am so excited to watch you at Field Day today! You are going to have so much fun! And hopefully they still give out ribbons because you are going to flip out if you get a ribbon!!!

Dear Fear Factor, What ever happened to you? Why aren’t you on tv anymore? I used to get so nervous watching, yet I did love watching you.

Dear Ice-Cream Man, Where are you? It is driving my kid crazy that you have not been down our street ONCE yet this year. Ahhh, come soon please! We know you are out there, we can hear you!

Dear My New Neighbors, You seem cool. I like you already. This was determined on the fact that you have little kids and that we went to the same college. That’s all I need.

Dear Flight 370 Families, I am so sorry they appear to be no closer to figuring out what happened than they were months ago. I just don’t get it.

Dear B, You are the best. You always have so much on your plate yet you just roll with it. I need you to teach me some of your tricks!

Dear Buddy, You are the worst helper ever. You cannot stand where your dad is trying to dump dirt or dig dirt up. You get filthy and it drives your dad crazy because it takes twice as long to do everything. But you love it.

Dear WB, Once L is out of school for the summer, you be able to sleep in and take as long as an afternoon nap as you want. I know it sucks getting woken up all the time and I know you love your sleep! Only a few more weeks little man!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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