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May 2014 PupBox Review (3 Month-Old Puppy)

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Cost: $39/month ($24/month if you opt for the annual subscription)
Ships To: United States.
June 2014 PupBox
June 2014 PupBox

PupBox, who kindly sent me this box to review, is a monthly service for you and your new puppy. Each box will include 4-6 premium products. All boxes will include 1 bag of training treats and 3-5 additional products that are selected based on the age and physical characteristics of your puppy.

Baxter and Buddy aren’t puppies (although I like to think they still are), but in order to get the idea of the box, PupBox sent me a a few boxes that you could expect to receive if you subscribed for your new puppy.  You can get a PupBox for your adult dog as well, however, it won’t contain age specific items. It will include a new advanced trick for you and your dog to work on however!

The Box

PupBox ships via USPS.  All customers who sign up before the 15th of the month will receive their box that month.  PupBox will work to send customers who sign up after the 15th a box that month, but note that it may not go out until the following month.

First Look

I opened this box while I was up-north over the weekend and I was so glad I opened it while we were there because we totally needed some up-north dog “stuff”.

Training Tips

PupBox doesn’t have a product information card, but they do include information regarding your pet’s stage of development. The three-month old box included information on Obedience Training and some tips on troubleshooting potty training and crate training (Buddy actually could use this tips).  Here is what the box included:

~My Little Wolf Dog Treats ($4.99): I was going to save leave these up there for my curries, but I realized that it would take them ages to go through dog treats up there because we aren’t there every weekend or anything.   I gave them to my cousin up-north for her two dogs and she said they loved them!

My Little Wolf Dog Treats

~Patchwork Pet Toy ($4.99): I am not sure what this animal is?  Any ideas?  This is a good one for WB and Buddy to play with together because WB can grip on to that ring to make it more of a fair battle.

Patchwork Pet Toy

~Happy Birthday Bone (~$3.99): This box had a long journey to get to me, so it would have been nothing short of a miracle if it didn’t break.  Baxter tried this and went crazy for it (he licked the frosting off first) and my aunt saw it on the counter and was this close to trying to take a bit.  Ha!  ETA: This was included because PupBox noticed that the boys birthdays were coming up!

Happy Birthday Bone

~KONG Goodie Bone ($5.99): Another good tug-of-war item for WB and Buddy!  I need to get those two on video playing together.  I say it all the time, but I really need to do it.  WB loves the dogs.  Like loves them.  He is much sweeter to Baxter and generally just gives him hugs and pets him, but he plays with Buddy.  And Buddy plays with him.  It’s so cute.

KONG Goodie Bone

~Crumps Naturals Beef Tendersticks ($5.49): So word on the street (from my cousins dogs anyway) is that these are the best things ever.  She said they went crazy for them.

Crumps Naturals Beef Tendersticks

~Planet Dog Treat Sacks ($12.95): This is a great little sack to have with you and full of treats when trying to trying to train your puppy.  Way better than keeping them in your pockets or a plastic bag.

Planet Dog Treat Sacks

~Barkworthies ($3): This looks totally gross and my dogs are going to have a complete battle over it.  I just know it.  I may have to separate them to when I hand this out.  I don’t want one to be jealous.


All totaled I came up with a value of $41.40 for the 3-month old puppy PupBox!  I think this is a great box if you have a new puppy and would also make a great gift to someone who just got a puppy!  Puppies are hard work and the training tips and notes are helpful and informative without being totally overwhelming!

What do you think of PupBox?  If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here!

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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