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June 2014 The Feed Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
The Feed
Cost: $29/month.
Ships To: United States.
The Feed Box
The Feed Box

The Feed, who kindly sent me this box to review, offers a hand-picked a variety of their favorite products to help you hone in on exactly what you like, and what works best for your life and sport. Each box contains a mix of great tasting nutrition, hydration and recovery for before, during and after your workouts, as well as some great on-the-go snacks. You can opt of receive the same variety of goodies on a monthly basis, or you can work with the people at Feed to customize the perfect nutrition to feed your inner athlete.

The Box

The Feed ships via USPS Priority Mail and took just two days to arrive.

First Look

I thought the note from The Feed was very cute and obviously if you are a subscriber and need anything you are free to call or e-mail them at any time!  Since you customize your options (based on their initial selections) there is no need for an information card, however, the box does include a Book of Goals for you to complete along with an assortment of motivational stickers.  Here are the products I received:

~KIND Bar: B likes KIND Bars better than I do, but I don’t hate them either.  Actually he just likes them more consistently.  Sometimes I really enjoy them.  Sometimes not.


~Health Warrior Chia Bar: I think I am learning to like Chia seeds. Not love, but like.  They are a superfood and were used by Aztec warriors and messengers on cross-empire journeys. If you haven’t tried these bars, I recommend giving them a go to see what you think.

Health Warrior Chia Bar

~Clif Shot Blocks: If I had to pick between a shot blok and a gel, I would pick a shot blok any day of the week.  I believe that B feels the same way!

Clif Shot Blocks

~Pro Bar Meal: I tried a bit of this and it was better than expected.  The texture was more grain like which I liked.

Pro Bar Meal

~Vega Sport Electrolyte Hydrator:  If I was designing my box I probably wouldn’t have opted for these because I have Spark which I love.  I will give these to B to test out.  He just told me that he wanted to start running again so this box came at a good time.

Vega Sport Electrolyte Hydrator

~Justin’s Peanut Butter: Love!  I think individual packs of peanut better are genius.  All you need is a spoon (actually you don’t even need that) and you are set.  I can’t think of anytime peanut butter doesn’t make a good snack.

Justin’s Peanut Butter

~Honey Stinger Energy Gel: If someone tries this it’s going to have to be B. LOL!  I cannot get past the texture in gels.  I just can’t.  Anything that comes out of a pouch doesn’t work for me either.  Is that weird?

Honey Stinger Energy Gel

~Bonk Breaker Bonk Bites: I would love to try this in a different flavor.  The peanut butter and jelly wasn’t awful by any means, but I think I would like the Peanut Butter & Chocolate Chip one better.

Bonk Breaker

~Rip van Wafels: No idea why I didn’t take a picture if this, but I did love it.  Like always.  I always love these.  They are so so good.

I didn’t do a cost breakdown on this box, but as you add the items to your box it shows the cost per item which seem to be right in line with the prices you’d find at the store.  I think the benefit in this one comes in the personal attention and assistance you will get from The Feed.  If you are interested in ordering or just want to learn more, click here.

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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