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Saturday Smiles

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Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

Today I’m smiling because:

~We went out for fro-yo yesterday! I love me some Orange Leaf and think it makes for a fabulous start to any weekend!


~I feel totally 100% better than I did last week at this time.  Whatever I had (sinus problems, strep throat, whatever) is gone.  Ahh, I feel amazing.

~I found L’s missing flip-flop! He knew were one was, but had no clue about it’s match. We searched the house / garage top to bottom. Where was it you ask? Just randomly hiding in the backyard. How does this happen? Don’t you know you were only wearing one shoe when you came in the house?


~One of L’s friends from Kindergarten is in his swimming class! We had no idea, but were thrilled when we saw her and her mom there the other night!

~My Crispy Cakes arrived safe and sound! Mini Crispy Cakes is a genius idea. I kept some here and sent some up-north with my mom and L for my cousins and L to enjoy!

So cute!

~We had our first Plated meal in ages yesterday and it was amazing.

~I am getting caught up on my reviews AND all my trashy tv shows ;).

~My adorable new flip-flops from Haute Look arrived yesterday and they are even better in person than I anticipated.

The Flip-Flops

~B has National Guard this weekend which means, not only will I get to see him in his uniform, but also that he’ll need to shave his mini beard!

~I got to roam around Home Goods all by myself yesterday. It was fabulous. I didn’t buy anything, but I had a darn good time just looking.

That’s it from here!  What’s got you smiling today?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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