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Friday’s Letters

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Dear Angela, As if your YouTube BBW rant wasn’t hysterical enough, we now have a reenactment of the actual event which is incredible.  I can’t even tell you the last time I laughed so hard.

Dear L, You know that sometimes when you are telling me something super complicated about Minecraft that I really have no idea what you are saying?  It’s not that I am not listening because I am, but it’s like you are speaking another language.  One I don’t really want to learn.

Dear WB, If a pink crayon is what you want to be for Halloween, a pink crayon costume is what you will get! If you are happy, I am happy!

Dear Someone Who May Know, Is it true? Will there really be a Sex in the City 3 movie?  Please say yes!

Dear Jenelle, No, you did not contact Kiefer recently did you?  Really?  You have the worst taste in men ever.  Seriously.

Dear Buddy, Should you happen to get trapped in a bedroom, the pantry, the basement, whatever, my advice would be to bark.  You bark at everything else, why can’t you bark when WB locks you in the pantry and runs off?  It’s not a game because after about two minutes he’s forgotten where you are.

Dear The CDC, Who is in charge over there?  Get it together.

Dear Parenthood, I love you.  Why is this your last season?  I am going to cry when you end.

Dear Kansas City, I guess if Detroit couldn’t win (or even get to) the World Series, I want you to win. Plus, I like that Lorde song, so I think it fits.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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