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Friday’s Letters

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Dear Christmas, You are fun, SO FUN, but I am glad you only happen once a year because you are also exhausting.

Dear Starbucks, How about you sell out of all the mugs I like before I end up buying another one? Thanks!

Dear Santa (and B), You guys did awesome this year. It was so fun having surprise presents to open. That rarely happens!

Dear L, You are a PS4 playing machine. I am impressed that you have taken to the controller so quickly. You are a true gamer now ;).

Dear The Interview, Without all this controversy I never would have watched you right away. I can’t say that you were a great movie, but you were tolerable.

Dear Facebook, You are the best around the holidays.  I love seeing how everyone “does” Christmas.  So many fun posts!

Dear WB, I don’t think you had a clue what went down yesterday, but I think you had a good time.

Dear My Cousin, You throw a great Ugly Christmas Sweater Party.  Complete with themed decorations and prizes for “best” sweater.  I love it!  Let’s do it again next year!

Dear Santa, Thanks for making this my 6 year-olds BEST.CHRISTMAS.EVER.  He doesn’t think anything is ever going to top this year and he might be right, but I’ll always remember the look on his face when he opened up his presents and was genuinely excited about each and every one.  Ahhh, I love it!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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