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Saturday Smiles

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Today I’m Smiling Because…

~It’s Valentine’s Day! We’re staying in with the kids tonight and are planning on ordering heart shaped pizza.  And maybe making some cookies during the day as well.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

~L rocked his spelling test again this week, had a great time at his Valentine’s Day party AND it’s winter break so that means sleeping in for a week!

~B and I had such a nice day together yesterday (thanks again to my mom for watching WB). We ran a few errands, went out to lunch and snuck a few fun stops in there along the way.  Just a good day with my husband.

~One of the fun stops we made yesterday was to the casino for the free gift they were giving away.  You never know what the gifts are going to be until you get there and sometimes they are lame and sometimes they are great!  Yesterdays was great and well worth the trip.

“Free” Gifts

~WB has been doing well (not amazing, but well), with staying in his big boy bed at night.  I’m so proud of him.

~It’s going to be FREEZING cold here tonight / tomorrow and while that doesn’t really make me smile, it does give me an excuse to stay in, turn on the fire and cuddle with B and the little boys.

~My PINCHme samples came this week.  It takes a while to get them after you sign up, but it’s totally free and a fun way to try new stuff.

PINCHme Samples

That’s it from here! What’s got you smiling today?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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