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Friday’s Letters

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Dear Mom, Now I know why you don’t love sewing. It’s hard work!

Dear WB Please, please, please let’s get rid of this cold or whatever it is that is making your nose SO stuffy and making you so crabby! For the sake of both of us! Please!

Dear My Neighbors (well most of them anyway), You are the best! What do people without fabulous neighbors do?  I don’t know and I never want to find out.

Dear “The Closet”, Now that even B has mentioned how messy you are I guess I need to get you cleaned up. I am not looking forward to this.

Dear Target, Even I think I have visited you a few too many times in the last week.  I need to sort through this Lilly stuff and see what I need to keep and what needs to get returned and stop all this!

Dear The Next Target Designer Collaboration, Please don’t happen again for a LONG time. Or better yet, be a designer I don’t like. I don’t think I am ready for another round of this madness anytime soon.

Dear My Computer Update, Thank you so much for making all of my passwords disappear.  No idea what any of those are. How do people remember this kind of stuff?

Dear B, You are going to miss so much fun this summer!  Like the garage sale, planting ALL those flowers and a bunch of other amazing chores that need to be done.  I know you’ll be sad to miss them, but we will carry on all by ourselves.

Dear L, I love seeing what you bring home from the Ticket Store at school.  So much fabulous random stuff in that store.  I would have loved that when I was a kid!

Dear That Mom in Baltimore, Lady, you rock.  You totally 100% rock.

Dear This Weekend, I absolutely cannot wait for you!  I’m hoping for a good mixture of chores and fun, but I will happily put those chores off till next week if it works out that way.


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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