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So What Wednesday!

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This week I am saying So What If….

~I cannot believe that my baby is 7 today! Ahhhh!!! Happy Birthday L!!
~I am a little nervous to go read to L’s class today. I know they are only 6-7 year-olds, but still.
~I still wonder what happened to Natalie Holloway.
~My mailman got a new truck which is good for me, but bad for me because I can’t tell when he passes by the house anymore.
~I have decided that WB wins and can, for the most part, give up naps.
~Sometimes I don’t know if Jimmy Fallon’s ads (like last night’s Snapple one) is a joke or a real commercial.
~I am trying to give up soda for the 1000th time.
~I really want POPSUGAR to release a spoiler for the Summer box (it goes on sale today).
~I am obsessed with my new hot pink KEEP bracelet!
~I always laugh at the term “Dad Bod”.
~I tried to do a “candy / snack” free goody bag for L’s birthday and got vetoed by L.  Sorry other parents.  I tried.
~I have forgotten my USPS password 3x already this week.  And it’s only Wednesday.


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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