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Sunday Sentiments

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~Good evening! It’s hot here! I so shouldn’t have complained about having to wear a hoodie last week. The boys and I went outside to play this morning and after about 15 minutes we’d had enough.


~Has anyone started / finished Go Set A Watchman yet? What’d you think?  I am debating if I want to pick it up and am curious to hear everyone’s thoughts!

Go Set A Watchman

~Did you hear that today is the 20th Anniversary of Clueless?  As if!  How is that even possible?  Oh how I loved that movie.  I still do actually.  Remember her cool closet where she could pick out the outfits from her computer?  I’m still jealous of that.  It seriously never gets old. Maybe I will watch it tonight.  It’s gotta be on Netflix right?

Clueless is 20!

~Today also happens to be National Ice Cream Day!  Between Clueless and National Ice-Cream Day, wow, what a day.  I let the boys have ice-cream before dinner because, well, why not?  I am pretty sure that L is marking down this day on his calendar for next year – so we don’t forget.


~I didn’t get around to updating the subscription box list this weekend so that will have to wait until tomorrow.  There are lots of new boxes to add though and also a few closures.  I am still shocked by the number of subscription boxes that open up every week.  Crazy!

That’s all for now!  I hope you are having a good night!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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