Latest Additions to the Subscription Box List ~ 9.8.15 Update

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Latest Additions in Menu Bar
Latest Additions in Menu Bar

Below are the latest additions (all were added as of 9.8.15) to the Monthly Subscription Box List and other updates made to the subscription box list.  You can also find them book marked here.

**Artists / Small Business Boxes**

~Fair Trade Friday: $31.99/month. Fair Trade Friday is a monthly membership club that delivers high quality fair traded items to your door. The items in the box are fairly traded and provide employment to women all over the world. Each box includes 3-4 surprise items such as stylish accessories, organic soap, coffee, etc.

~Litu Box: $35/month. Litu Box is a monthly subscription box of handmade artisan goods, ecofriendly brands, and natural/ organic products. The first box ships on October 15th and is available for pre-order now for the discounted rate of $24.50.

**Food / Snack Boxes**

~Yummy Bazaar: $35.95/month. Yummy Bazaar is a monthly gourmet destination food club. Each month subscribers will receive 6-8 items all revolving around that month’s country theme. Also available is the monthly Sampler which is $9.95/month and includes 6-8 sample-size products from around the world.

**Geek / Gamer Boxes**

~TMNT Box: $25.90/month. TMNT Box is a monthly subscription box for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fans. Boxes include $40+ retail value in merchandise and subscribers can select between the “Classic TMNT Box” which includes products from just the classic TMNT series and movies or the “C-C-C_Combo Box” which includes products from every TMNT series from classic to modern.

**Green Living / Eco-Friendly Boxes**

~The Green Box by LaNatura: $29.99 / $49.99/season. The Green Box by LaNatura delivers natural bath & body care direct to your doorstep each season. The Little Green Box ($29.99/season) brings you at least one full-sized product , plus travel sized items and multiple samples.  The Big Green Box ($49.99/season) supplies customers with several full size products as well as special samples.

~LOVE GOODLY: $35/bi-monthly. LOVE GOODLY delivers natural, eco-friendly products to your doorstep. Every other month you’ll receive 5-7 cruelty-free, natural, vegan products, including a mix of full size products and deluxe samples of nontoxic beauty and skincare, healthy snacks and eco style accessories. Boxes have a value of $60+ and every purchase supports a cause.

~Nourish Beauty Box: $34.95/month. Nourish Beauty Box is a monthly, cruelty-free, ingredient conscious subscription box for beauty enthusiasts – it’s like a spa retreat at your doorstep! Each package contains 4 full-sized products made up of 3 full-sized, vegan, earth-activated, healthy beauty products and 1 eco-friendly canvas tote bag, with limited edition, original print with a total retail value of $70+.

~PureBox: $39.99/month. PureBox is a monthly beauty subscription box of Organic, Handcrafted, Vegan and Natural skincare and beauty selections. The majority of the products in PureBox will be from West Coast Artisans and always contain one full sized product and 4 or more luxury samples.

**Kids Boxes**

~Junior Captains: $12/month (3-month minimum). Junior Captains is a monthly subscription box which follows Captain Bo & Alli as they sail around the world. All subscription begin with the Starter Kit which contains all kinds of goodies including a logbook, wall map, and inflatable globe. Starter Kits are primarily designed for elementary aged children, but all ages are welcome to join the adventure.

**Lifestyle Boxes**

~UniversiTee Box: $25.24 / $45.24/month. The UniversiTee BOX™, is a lifestyle monthly subscription box for college women and an affiliate brand of MaverickHill™, a collegiate women’s lifestyle brand. You can opt between The Freshman Box ($25.24/month ) which includes: A MaverickHIll™ Empowerment Tee, Our 2015-2016 Affirmation Series, a Themed Matte Button, a Themed Vinyl Sticker and Bonus Freebies or The Senior Box ($45.24/month) which includes a MaverickHIll™ Empowerment Tee, a Dazzling Statement Necklace and Jewelry Box, 1-3 Office Lifestyle Products from Poppin™, Our 2015-2016 Affirmation Series, a Themed Matte Button, a Themed Vinyl Sticker and Bonus Freebies.

**Men’s Fashion Boxes**

~Urban Dapper Club: $12/month. Urban Dapper Club is a monthly tie subscription box. Each month subscribers will receive a slim handmade tie delivered right to their doors.

**Regional Boxes**

~Japan Yum: $25/month. Japan Yum is a quick n’ easy way to try all the crazy snacks and candy that Japan offers. Every box contains a combo of 8-10 hand-picked sweet n’ savory Japanese snacks and candies.

~LUXE Provence: $195/season. Each season LUXE Provence curates a surprise selection of luxury objects, lifestyle and beauty products, and exclusive collaborations delivered to your door from Provence. Parcels are limited editions designed to celebrate each change of season in Provence, featuring local luxury brands, artisanal and hard-to-find items selected in the many small shops and markets of Provence.

**Speciality Food / Snack Boxes**

~Keto Delivered: $39.99/month. Keto Delivered sends subscribers incredible ketogenic diet friendly foods, carefully curated from artisans, farmers markets and small batch foods. Each box includes a variety of 5-7 small-batch, honest foods chosen with a ketogenic diet in mind.

~The Purple Carrot: $59/box. The Purple Carrot is a vegan meal delivery service. Each box includes all the raw, pre-measured ingredients and recipes you need to cook healthy, delicious vegan meals and snacks at home with easy-to-follow recipes from really great chefs.

As always, if I have missed any updates or if there are any boxes you are wondering what is happening with, please let me know and I will see what I can find out!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!