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So What Wednesday!

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This week I am saying so what if…

~I am obsessed with watching jail shows.  No explanation. I just like them.
~Sometimes, just sometimes, I’d like our Elf to move on his own.  Nothing worse than forgetting to make sure he moved at 1am when you are all snuggled in bed.
~I still haven’t ordered my Christmas cards.  I was planning to be SO ahead of the game this year too.  Oh well.
~I spent far too much time last night googling 90 Day Fiance conspiracies.  Wait.  Maybe that’s why I am already behind on my cards?
~I am really excited for “The Wiz” tomorrow!
~I sometimes text B things I could just as easily tell him face to face.  This way he can’t way, oh, I didn’t know, you never told me that.
~I used gift tags to decorate my Christmas tree.  And I like it.
~I think I am more excited to go see Santa this week than the kids are.  At least more excited than WB is that’s for sure.
~I cannot stand the feeling of having to crack my toes.  Drives me up a wall.
~I want to it snow (A LOT) again!

What are you saying so what to this week?


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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