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So What Wednesday?!

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This week I am saying so what if…

~I finally have stopped feeling like I am on a ship – even though I have been back on land for days.  It’s nice not to be sitting at my desk feeling like things are still rocking.
~I wish that afternoon naps could be a daily thing.
~I am going to be sad when W starts pronouncing everything the “right” way. I love how he says “something” and L’s name!
~I just took down my Easter decorations on Monday.  And really that was only because we lost power and W and I were bored.
~I was so into the Masters on Sunday that you’d think I actually played golf myself.  I don’t.
~I had one of my friends call and check on my dogs (at the pet resort) a few times while we were gone. I always worry about them (even though they get super spoiled there) and like to see what they are up to (which is basically the exact same things they do when they are home).
~I have reached the point in the year where I have decided  Hopefully it doesn’t snow again next week (you just never know here) or my feet will be very cold.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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