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Sunday Sentiments

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~Good evening! We had a nice slow weekend around here. We went to Tons of Trucks yesterday morning and then basically just hung out around the house. It was a nice change of pace. Tons of Trucks was crowded (it always is though), but fun. They have a ton of different kinds of trucks (obviously) for kids to sit in, touch, etc., bounce houses, farm animals, foods, etc. It’s really cool and is 99% free.  The kids always love it.
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~Did you see that Mystery Boxes are back on EcoFlower?  They are still $20 with free shipping and you have the option of adding on a Mystery Vase for $7.50.  I don’t think these will be up on the site long, so if you are thinking about snagging one, do it ASAP.
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~I put my 4th of July apothercary jars up for the first time in ages and I am pretty happy with them.  I remember when I took them down a few years ago I debated about separating out the beans and I am so glad I ended up doing it.  LOL.  It’s a complete pain, but it made it much easier to put them back in the jars.

That’s it from here!  Hope you have a great night!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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