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Dear My iPhone, I don’t understand why you sometimes don’t recognize my thumbprint? It makes no sense at all.
Dear L, I cannot believe this is your last day being an 8-year-old! Totally unreal!
Dear 2lbs Weights, It sounds so silly, but you feel so much heavier when I am riding a bike.
Dear Kate Spade, I don’t know what it’s going to mean now that Coach bought you, but I don’t think I like it.
Dear Summer, You seem like such a long way away!
Dear Firework Oreo Cookies, My kids are kind of obsessed with you so you must be good!
Dear RoboCalls, Knock it off already! Whatever it is, I don’t want it. Seriously. #losemynumber
Dear Starbucks, What’s up with all these collaborations that are only available overseas? We could use some Starbucks + ban.do here in the States!