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FYI – Happy Mail & Messy Box Ending Subscriptions

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FYI - Happy Mail & Messy Box Ending SubscriptionsFYI - Happy Mail & Messy Box Ending Subscriptions

Heads up! A Beautiful Mess is ending Happy Mail and Messy Box subscriptions.

From A Beautiful Mess
We also wanted to let you all know that August will be the last month for both kits. We know, it’s so sad to see them go for now! But the good news is we will be offering past kit items (at great prices!) all summer long!!!!! So if you aren’t signed up for our newsletter yet, do!  Otherwise, you may miss out on some of the great deals. We have LOVED creating these kits and hope to offer more items like this in the future, but for now, we’re saying goodbye—so don’t miss out on stocking up on your favorites this summer before they are gone! xo. Emma + Elsie

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!