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Adults & Crafts Review – String Art Wood Sign Kit

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

Adults & Crafts delivers customized DIY craft kits to your door each month. Boxes will include everything you need to go from zero to crafting hero—materials, instructions, and (most) tools you need to complete any one of their unique projects.

Adults & Crafts
Cost: $39.95/month. ($33 + $6.95 S/H)
Ships To: United States.
Coupon Code: “GETCRAFTY” to get free shipping.
 Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own, and no compensation was received.

Adults & Crafts ships via USPS, FedEx or UPS depending on what they are sending that month and your location. My box shipped via USPS.

This month featured a String Art Wood Sign Kit.  I had never attempted String Art and figured why not give it a try?  Adults & Crafts projects always include detailed instructions that are very clear and easy to understand.


Materials included were:
~Wood Pieces
~Wood Stain Gel
~Foam Brush
~Wire Nails
~White String
~Screw Eye Hooks
~1 inch Nails

Additional supplies needed were:
~Paper Towel

Step #1
The first step was to lay out your wood pieces, put on gloves and apply the wood gel stain. We did a few coats and let it dry between.  Super easy!

Step #2
The second step was to choose which side you wanted and the front and back.  On the not as good looking side, we attached the additional wood pieces which hold the sign together.  Things were going perfectly!

Step #3
Step three was to screw in the eye hooks which would be used to hang the sign.  I envisioned it was more of a moveable piece, so we skipped this step.

Step #4
The fourth step was to pick your phrase and design.  The kit included stencils which we used to trace our phrase.  We selected STAY HOME which we thought was appropriate considering we starting this project during a worldwide pandemic.

Step #5
Step five was to nail the letters in.  For reasons I cannot explain, I have no pictures of this process.  Actually, I can explain.  I nailed in three nails (not even three letters, but three individual nails) and realized how difficult this was!  I clearly did not appreciate the amount of time and effort string art took until this moment. Thankfully B (my husband) took over and finished nailing the letters in over the course of a few days.

Step #6 and Step #7
The final steps were to add the string to the letters and knot off the ends of each letter.  I thought this would be easier than the actual nailing of the letters, but I quickly learned that this was NOT the case.  LOL! The string kept getting caught under my (press-on nails).

The Final Product
I hate to admit it, but I still haven’t finished this and at this point, I doubt it is happening.  We are still under a Stay Home order here in Michigan, but I just don’t seem to have the patience for this one.  It was fun to try something new though and made me realize that not all crafts are for everyone!  Sometimes you think you will love something or vice versa and it turns out the opposite!  No better way to test out new projects than subscription boxes like this one!

What do you think of Adults & Crafts? Right now you can use coupon code “GETCRAFTY” to get free shipping on your subscription.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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