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Mystery Tackle Box 12 Days of Fishmas Holiday Fishing Advent Calendar – Save 50% Off

Mystery Tackle Box 12 Days of Fishmas Holiday Fishing Advent Calendar – Save 50% Off
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The Mystery Tackle Box 12 Days of Fishmas Holiday Fishing Advent Calendar is now just $12.48 (reg. $24.98).  That’s a savings of 50% off! The calendar includes 12 days of lures, tackle, and swag.

Celebrate your favorite angler with the gift that keeps on giving. Every angler on your list will crown you “Gift Giver of the Year” – young and old, the ones who drink too much egg nog, and maybe even the weird ones. Wrap this puppy up, put it under the tree, and watch their face light up on the best day of the year. Or, treat yourself. Tear through a bunch of lures, tackle, and swag over the next twelve days. Not another disappointing pair of socks.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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