Freebie Friday!

It's Freebie Friday time, so here is what I scored for FREE this week: Two Spring preview candles from the…


Things I Love Thursday

I am starting a feature I hope everyone will enjoy.  It's called "Things I Love Thursday" and I will be…


So What Wednesday!

It's Wednesday, so that means it's time for another "So What Wednesday" over at Life After I Dew.  This week…


Blogs I Love

I read lots of blogs everyday, but I am guilty (like most other people) of not commenting often enough. I…


Freebie Fridays!

I thought I'd start doing a weekly post about the freebies I have scored during the week and the prizes…


Sad it’s Over!

I am sad to report that 90% off Valentine's Day items at Target is over. Anything left lingering around at…


So What Wednesday!

I thought it'd be fun to play along with Shannon and her So What Wednesdays!. This week I am saying…


Target 90% off Valentine’s Day Goodies!!

Not even a snowstorm could keep me away from Target and their 90% off Valentine's Day clearance today! I went…


Target 75% off Valentine’s Day Finds!

I don't think I have shared any of my Target deals here yet, but I am pretty much obsessed with…


St. Patrick’s Day Apothecary Jars

These are my St. Patrick's Day apothecary jars from last ear, but I wanted to share early in case anyone…


Valentine’s Day Apothecary Jars

Just in case you haven't done your Valentine's Day apothecary jars yet, here is what I put in mine! I…


So What Wednesday!

I thought it'd be fun to play along with Shannon over here. This week I am saying "SO WHAT" to:-So…


Valentine’s Day Mantle

I have to admit, I am not the best about keeping my mantle decorated. Christmas time is easy to keep…


Christmas Apothecary Jars

The past few years I have been going with a red and white theme for my Christmas apothecary jars. But…


Jersey Shore

When I first saw the commercial for MTV's Jersey Shore, I knew it was going to be my kind of…


Closet Organization

I hesitated even posted these pictures, because I do not any of you to think I am some crazy hoarder.…


Organizing the Basement

Here in Midwest, basements are common. I know in many parts of the country, they are not typical. But we…


Winter Apothecary Jar Ideas

After taking down all my Christmas decorations, things were looking very plain around here. I didn't want to leave my…


The Reveal of the Refinishing Project.

As promised, here is the final reveal of the bed refinished project! You can check out the before here. I…


Update on Refinishing a a Bedroom Set

Well, I did not meet my Thanksgiving deadline, but I(*) did get it finished by the new year! Here are…


Project Goals for 2010

I hate to make new years resolutions, so I am going to call these my design "goals" for the upcoming…


Toy Storage Organization

Oh, the toys. I am sure I am not the only one out there overwhelmed with toys taking over the…


Merry Christmas to Me!

Santa brought me the cake stand I have been lusting after! Now, I just have to figure out how I…


Our "Family Tree"

As I mentioned the other day, I decided to do two trees this year. For my traditional "family" tree, I…


The stockings were hung…..

I don't know about you, but we are ready for Santa. We have our stockings hung on the mantle and…
