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General Blog

Sunday Social

I'm linking up with Ashley and Neely today for another Sunday Social. 1. What is your favorite handbag you've ever…

Friday iPhone Dump

If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If…

Friday’s Letters

Dear iOS7, I'm still not so sure about you. We've gotten to know each other a little better now, but…

So What Wednesday

This week I am saying So What If.... ~We were late for school on Monday. Oopsies. It was bound to…

Tuesday’s Troubles

It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Troubles. I’ve said it before, but this should be named “things i’m annoyed…

A Poll: Hot Lunch or Cold Lunch?

Every night as I pack L's lunch for school the next day, I can't help but wonder if most kids…

Sunday Sentiments

As usual, I am stealing Jen's Sunday Sentiments button and idea and making it mine tonight. I "know" Jen, and…

Silent Sunday

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm smiling because: ~We got September PopSugar Must Have Box spoilers yesterday!!! My September box and my Limited Edition…

Friday iPhone Dump

If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If…

Friday’s Letters

Dear L's Music Teacher, I'd love to know what you were wearing yesterday that made L tell me you looked…

Favorite Freebie Sites!

I got some fun freebies in the mail today (namely a coupon code $25 off two bottles of Vita Frute)…

Thursdays Thoughts

~First, things first. My allergies are killing me! They were awful this weekend, fine for a few days, and then…

So What Wednesday!

This week I am saying So What If.... ~I want a new iPhone 5c. That salmon pink colored one please.…

thredUp and Moxie Jean Order Reviews!

I received orders from both thredUP and Moxie Jean yesterday and while I do place orders from them fairly often,…

Tuesday’s Troubles

It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Troubles. I’ve said it before, but this should be named “things i’m annoyed…

Ramblings of a Suburban Mom Fall Favorites Giveaway!

I'm super into all these fall these days, so I couldn't wait to get a little fall giveaway up and…

Silent Sunday

Sunday Social

I'm linking up with Ashley and Neely today for another Sunday Social. 1. What is your favorite fall activity? The…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm smiling because: ~We survived the first week of school!  L was BEAT last night and frankly, so was…

Friday iPhone Dump

If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If…

Friday’s Letters

Dear Morning, Why do you have to come so soon? Getting up early (i.e. before 9am) sucks. I've been seeing…

Poll: Do you eat foods after their expiration date?

So they were talking on the radio today about eating foods after their expiration or "Sell By" dates. It seems…

So What Wednesday

This week I am saying So What If.... ~I have huge plans for what I am going to get done…

Tuesday’s Troubles

It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Troubles. I’ve said it before, but this should be named “things i’m annoyed…