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General Blog

Silent Sunday

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm smiling because: ~We had a great 4th of July that included fireworks, food and, of course family! ~My…

FabFitFun Summer Box Giveaway!!

Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by Ramblings of a Suburban Mom and is not sponsored or endorsed by any of…

Friday’s Letters

Dear Everyone, Happy 4th of July! I hope everyone has a great day today!!! Dear Pottery Barn Outlet, You got…

So What Wednesday

This week I am saying So What If.... ~I am still nervous from that game yesterday.  I can see why…


Disclosure: This post contains affiliate / referral links. Still loving these! Currently Burning… Nothing!  I finished burning my last batch…

Sunday Sentiments

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate and / or referral links. You know the drill, I am stealing Jen's Sunday Sentiments…

Silent Sunday

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm smiling because: ~B comes home today!! ~I got my Erin Condren planner yesterday and it's totally perfect! Totally…

Just for Fun Friday Giveaway!

Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by Ramblings of a Suburban Mom and is not sponsored or endorsed by any of…

Friday’s Letters

Dear FedEx, Eeek, please get here early today with my new Erin Condren planner!!!! I am so looking forward to…

So What Wednesday!

This week I am saying So What If.... ~Sometimes I just open up my junk / storage closet to look…

Sunday Sentiments

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate and / or referral links. You know the drill, I am stealing Jen's Sunday Sentiments…

Silent Sunday

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm smiling because: ~Today marks the halfway point (I think) of B being gone!  It's all downhill from here…

Friday’s Letters

Dear L, How is that tooth still loose? It makes no sense at all that it hasn't fallen out yet.…

Fabletics Giveaway!

Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by Ramblings of a Suburban Mom and is not sponsored or endorsed by any of…

So What Wednesday

This week I am saying So What If.... ~I am still fascinated by Catfish and don't understand why people can't…



Disclosure: This post contains affiliate / referral links. Still loving these! Currently Burning… Votivo Pink Mimosa. I love all these…

Tuesdays Troubles

I’ve said it before (like every week), but this should be named “things i’m annoyed / confused / want to…

Sunday Sentiments

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate and / or referral links. You know the drill, I am stealing Jen's Sunday Sentiments…

Silent Sunday

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm smiling because: ~It's summer vacation!!!! WB wasn't even the one who went to school and he slept in…

Quiet Time Boxes – What’s In Them?

I posted a picture on Instagram yesterday of the Quiet Time Boxes in progress and a few people mentioned they…

Friday’s Letters

Dear Target, Somehow I left you yesterday with a jam packed cart of "essentials", but I failed to pick up…