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It’s all about L

November BabbaBox Review

Edited to Add: BabbaBox was acquired by Barefoot Books and is no longer offering a subscription service. Once again, my…

Silent Sunday

Note: This is the last we'll be seeing of the spiky hair for a long time ;(. He got a…

Silent Sunday

Throwback Thursday + Flashback Friday = Super Late Saturday

This is one of my favorite pictures of L in one of my favorite little shirts he had.  I need…

Happy Halloween!!!!

All right, I suppose it's possible I have a slight obsession with Halloween costumes ;). I personally hate dressing up,…

The Age Difference ~ 4 Years

I never planned (*) for my kids to be 4 years apart, but I have clearly learned that things do…

Flashback Friday

I'm bringing back Flasback Friday today so that I can share this sweet picture L. It's so hard to believe…

October BabbaBox Review

Edited to Add: BabbaBox was acquired by Barefoot Books and is no longer offering a subscription service. Much to my…

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

And this is not silent, but it's my favorite all time video of L. We were watching it the other…

September BabbaBox Review

Edited to Add: BabbaBox was acquired by Barefoot Books and is no longer offering a subscription service. With no warning…

September Wonder Box Review

Last week Plum District had a deal on Wonder Box. Pay $10 and get the box, which has a $20 value.…

Random Ramblings

~B and I are totally into that new show, Revolution, on NBC. It's not something I'd normally even think about…

Throwback Thursday

Since I can never seen to fit Flashback Friday in, I decided to go with Throwback Thursday. Same thing, different…

BabbaBox: The Trial Box Review

Edited to Add: BabbaBox was acquired by Barefoot Books and is no longer offering a subscription service. I received my…

Silent Sunday

Flashback Friday (the Saturday Edition)

I think instead of Flashback Friday, I am going to do Throwback Thursday. There isn't as much going on in…

First Day of School!

If you follow me on Instagram you know that today was L's first dat of preschool. Now, he only goes…

Silent Sunday

Flashback Friday (once again on Saturday)

In honor of back to school (which happens next week here in MI*), I thought I would share L's first…

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

L vs. W

I posted a little collage of W the other night on FB and someone requested a comparison of L and…

Weekend Wrap-Up

 Like you saw yesterday, B spent the weekend at Lollapoolza in Chicago. Based on the pictures he sent me (of…

Friday iPhone Dump

1. Does W care it's not Christmas time? No way, look at that dimple!  And clearly I don't care either…