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It’s all about W!

Wittlebee Halloween Costume Flash Sale

Edited to Add: Wittlebee is no longer in business. Every once in a while Wittlebee has "Flash Sales" for various…

Finger Painting: A Baby Project

One of the things I really liked about L going to daycare was the projects. They always did the best…

Silent Sunday

And this is not silent, but it's my favorite all time video of L. We were watching it the other…

September bluum Box Review

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. My September bluum box arrived yesterday. It's not one of my favorite boxes, but for…

Random Ramblings

~B and I are totally into that new show, Revolution, on NBC. It's not something I'd normally even think about…

Silent Sunday

September Citrus Lane Review

I was totally shocked to receive my Citrus Lane box so early this month. I got the shipping notification on Friday.…

September Wittlebee Box Review

Edited to Add: Wittlebee is no longer in business. My September Wittlebee Box arrived last week and I am finally…

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

Wittlebee Box Review

Edited to Add: Wittlebee is no longer in business.  I received my second Wittlebee box yesterday and I was much…

L vs. W

I posted a little collage of W the other night on FB and someone requested a comparison of L and…

Weekend Wrap-Up

 Like you saw yesterday, B spent the weekend at Lollapoolza in Chicago. Based on the pictures he sent me (of…

The Baby vs. The Bottle

This won't apply to most people, but hopefully someone out there finds it helpful. I think I mentioned it a…

Friday iPhone Dump

1. Does W care it's not Christmas time? No way, look at that dimple!  And clearly I don't care either…

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

Friday iPhone Dump

I haven't had my iPhone out that much this week, so some of these are "real camera" pictures. I'm a…

Summer To-Do List ~ 25 Ideas

Summer is here and there is so much I want to do. It's easy just to pin things on Pinterest…

W’s Newborn Pictures

I didn't get newborn pictures with L (not professional ones anyways) and I always wish I would have. So with…

Friday iPhone Dump!

I look forward to this blog post every week. Not just because it's Friday (because us retirees have no clue…

Photoshop Fun ~ Yet Again!

So I'm back yet again with more Photoshopped pictures. There would be so much less to edit if someone didn't…

Retirement is Awesome (Most of the Time)!

So I have been retired over a month now and I still love it. But that's not to say it…