
Saturday Smiles

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~L's field day didn't get rained out yesterday and he had a blast! ~We skipped dinner…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~B is back! He was out of town all week, but made it home safely last…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~We made it up-north! Traffic was crazy, but we made it! ~I am still loving cycle…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~It's Saturday! It's been a long / busy week and I think we all need some…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~Today is L's 9th Birthday! Eeek!! It's the start of his last year in single digits…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~L did amazing on his Progress Report. I am so proud!!! ~I have been working on…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~My boys are having a great time at my parent's house! They spent the night there…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~I made it through my first cycle class!  I haven't worked out like that in a…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~Yesterday? Absolutely gorgeous. The sun was shining and the kids were outside with the neighbor kids…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~We went to the aquarium yesterday and the boys had a blast. We went once before,…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~It's Spring Break! L had a half day so kicked things off with a Slurpee. W…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~It's Saturday! The boys spent the night at my parents last night (thank you Mom), so…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~B is home!  He hasn't been gone too long (less than 2 weeks), but it's always…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~We totally surprised L with a visit from his favorite up-north cousin this weekend.  OMG, he…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~We got a puppy! His name is Buster and we're in love! Totally B's doing (for…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~It's Saturday, and we are all feeling better. L is feeling WAY better, and so am…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~B is home! He's been in Korea for the last 6 weeks, but he got home…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~We had a great time at the trampoline park this week. Right after school is pretty…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~It's Saturday, and that means cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Yum! ~Only a few more weeks till…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~B is good, the boys are happy and, well, I am lucky to have them! ~WalMart…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~W is feeling way better and happily, he didn't pass his cough along to L! Thank…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~Buddy actually sat on my lap yesterday and let me snuggle him. It seriously made my…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~Even though B is out of town, we can Facetime! It makes him being away much…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~It's New Years Eve which means that 2016 is almost over! It hasn't been all bad,…

Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~It's Christmas Eve! And happily I have 90% of my wrapping finished up. B doesn't wrap,…