
Friday iPhone Dump

If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If…

Friday iPhone Dump

If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If…

Friday iPhone Dump

If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If…

Friday iPhone Dump

1. L got an Easter card in the mail from his Nana and Papa which contained the standard $2.  As…

Friday iPhone Dump

I have heard a few people mention that they wanted to link up for Friday iPhone Dump and I'm down…

Friday iPhone Dump

Just when after I tell you I am going to diversify, what do I do but go and post only…

Friday iPhone Dump

1. This week was kinda crazy weather wise.  Rain.  Snow.  Melting snow.  Let me tell you, none of it bothers…

Friday iPhone Dump!

Since last week's iPhone Dump format seemed to be a crowd pleaser, I'm sticking with it! 1. Baxter's fur is…

Friday iPhone Dump

Thanks to a reader suggestion, I decided to do my Friday iPhone dump a little different this week. Hopefully it's…

Friday iPhone Dump

1. Like all 4 year-olds, L wants to do things for himself. Until he does't feel like doing it anymore…

Friday iPhone Dump

1. WB sleeps exactly like I do.  Like we're catching flies.  B always makes fun of me, but I don't…

Friday iPhone Dump

1. On Monday while B and L were at the Auto Show(*), Wb discovered television.  I can't remember what we…

Friday iPhone Dump

1. WB very much enjoyed our trip to Chuck E. Cheese yesterday (so much to look at) and even got…

Friday iPhone Dump

1. L and I undecorated the Christmas tree(s) yesterday and it was almost as much fun as decorating it.  Until…

Friday iPhone Dump

1. L being the lucky kid that he is, got this train set he'd been eyeing for months a few…

Friday iPhone Dump

Sorry this is so late. It's been a busy few days around here. You get sick for a few days…

Picasound: A Review

As you know, I try not to do a lot of reviews (because honestly, I find them boring), but when…

Friday iPhone Dump

1. B and his furries.  Baxter and Buddy honestly spend 90% of their day resting.  The other 10% is spent…

Friday iPhone Dump

1. WB is addicted to Gerber's lil' crunchies.  Addicted.  If he sees the container and doesn't get any, all h*ll…

Friday iPhone Dump

 1. I ended up ordering a scarf with my StyleMint credit from my November PopSugar Box.  I was going to…

Friday iPhone Dump

1. My WB is now a professional at pulling himself up.  I don't get why he won't just be a…

Friday iPhone Dump

This week took forever to end. Seriously, it seemed like the longest week ever. And it wasn't even like a…

Friday iPhone Dump

I can't say I'm sad this week is over. Between the election and the Target clearance, it was a crazy…

Friday iPhone Dump

First of all, can you believe it's already November? What in the world happened to 2012?  It's flying by!  Now…

Friday iPhone Dump

1. This was the costume I originally planned for WB.  However, when it arrived and I tried it on him,…