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Sunday Sentiments

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate and / or referral links. ~Is it Sunday night already? I always have such big…

Monday Morning Ramblings

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate / referral links! ~Yay Monday!  I know most people don't really get excited for Monday's,…

Monday Morning Ramblings!

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate / referral links! ~Oh what a weekend! Seriously we packed a ton of stuff into…

Monday Morning Ramblings

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate / referral links! ~Monday oh Monday! We had a long weekend (which was actually even…

Monday Morning Ramblings

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate / referral links! ~Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Is anyone playing hooky today? Wearing green?  My…

Monday Morning Ramblings

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate / referral links! ~It's been a crazy few weeks around here, but this week is…

Monday Morning Ramblings

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate / referral links! ~To say that this weekend was uneventful would be an understatement. We…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Happy Monday! Let's see, where to begin. Let's start with our weekend. B had drill (National Guard) so he was gone all…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~If you missed my recap our weekend from last night's Sunday Sentiments, I'll recap it again.  Friday night was milk…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Ahhh, Monday! How are you here so soon? We had a busy weekend here which began with making gingerbread houses…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Now that I think about it, this weekend wasn't as unproductive as I originally thought. We took the boys for…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~First of all, Happy Veteran's Day to those who have served and are now serving. B has the day off,…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~This weekend flew by! Luckily it's not technically over yet (B is off today), so that's good, but it's been…