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Weekend Wrap-Up

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So, my football team lost. How sad :(. I still love my Spartans though! Let’s recap the rest of the weekend:

Friday: Friday was kind of a crazy day, so we decided to head out to dinner. For whatever reason, we let L pick where to eat. I suggested the local outdoor mall so that we could eat, check out Christmas lights, etc. Nope. L picked McDonalds. And insisted that we eat inside. So off we went. Our McDonalds has recently been redone, so now L thinks it’s all fancy ;). They serve both fries and apples in Happy Meals now, which I like. No more caramel anymore though, which L doesn’t like. I don’t care what anyones says, sometimes you need a little McDonalds! We came home and watched a Christmas movie (no clue which one) and had a nice fire in the fireplace. All in all, a good day!

Saturday: We spent Saturday morning playing choo-choos and made a quick trip to Hobby Lobby, where we found nothing. That store pretty much overwhelms me. So much to see. I think maybe you need to go there with a list? Or at least a clue. I was hoping to find something that would inspire me to decorate my new “skinny” tree, but all I found was too many people in the Christmas aisles. On that note, Hobby Lobby is near one of our local mall and it was insanely crowded. Haven’t people heard of the internet? We spent the rest of the afternoon doing what else, playing choo-choos. L also spent some time “hiding” under his bed while waiting for his Nana and Papa to pick him up to spend the night. L loves spending the night over there and B and I had a party to go to, so it worked out perfect. L also loves hiding from people and making them find him (it’s easy because you can hear him giggling the entire time). After L headed out to dinner with his two favorite people, B and I headed out to run a few errands and then headed off to our Christmas party. We had a great time! I stayed up too late watching my Spartans lose (could there be a worse way to lose than on a penalty).  Too late for me is like past 11pm!

Sunday: B and I slept in a little and then headed off to breakfast at my all time favorite breakfast place. It’s weird to go to breakfast at 9am vs. 8am (i.e. when we usually go with L). So much more crowded at 9am! We hit up Target and I threw some stuff in my cart to tackle my skinny tree with. After L got home (he didn’t miss us one bit), we went and got out Christmas tree (*) and had a quick visit with Santa. The rest of the day was spent playing (L), decorating the skinny tree (me) and getting the real tree all ready to be decorated (B). We’ll save decorating it for another day.  I think we were all too beat to even attempt it.  After L went to bed, I was forced to be a grown up and do not fun stuff, including folding laundry.  Ick!!!

So what’d you do this weekend?  Stay tuned for the skinny tree reveal (I should warn you, it’s not all that).


(*) B and I only fight in public when we are picking out a Christmas tree. It’s a tradition. This year was no exception :).

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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