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To Do List..

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Now that I have some spare time (not really, but whatever), I need to get some stuff on my “To Do” list checked off. I should warn you that just because I am posting it on the internet does not mean that I will actually ever get these things all done. But I sure will try.

Coupons: I mentioned this the other day, but I really need to start getting back into couponing. I sat down yesterday and went through a million coupon ads I had saved (hoarder much?). It helped when I went to the grocery store later (I think I saved around $50), but I can do better. I need to work on store match-ups, etc. I will never be one to shop at 12 different stores to get the best deal (time is valuable too), but there is nothing wrong with saving the most when you can!

Framing my Bathroom Mirror: I have wanted to frame my master bathroom mirror(s) for years now. Not sure what I mean? Check this out. How cool is that? It looks so much better. And it looks like you spent a ton on “fancy” mirrors, but it’s cheap. And I just saw that my neighbor got a miter saw, so that will be perfect! In all honesty, this is not really my project. I just need to pick out / buy the stuff and B will do the rest of the work. He likes a good project!

Organize / Print Pictures: I feel like this is a battle I will never win. I take SO many pictures. I won’t say too many, because you can never take too many pictures, but sometimes I become overwhelmed with sorting them. And I need to get them all backed up to an external hard drive ASAP. I should be doing this at least once a month, but I am failing miserably at it. I would cry if I lost all my photos, so I need to make this a priority.

Photoshop: Speaking of photos, I NEED to learn how to use Photoshop. Yeah, I am sure there are easier photo editing softwares out there, but I own Photoshop (don’t ask why because I have no clue), so I need to learn how to use it. I am in awe of the things people can do with photoshop. Me? I can pretty much just remove a zit from someone’s face. Between the Photoshop for Dummies book I have and all the tutorials online, this shouldn’t be too hard. But I guarantee I will end up annoyed when I finally sit down and try to figure it out.

Craiglist: And finally, I need to get my act together and start listing various things on Craigslist. I’m talking about old iPhones (hello, why do I still have my first iPhone from 5 years ago??), a macbook and various other stuff. GOOD STUFF! I also need to go through my stash of Target clearance finds and basement stockpile to gather stuff for a garage sale my brother and SIL are having soon. I have so many gifts with purchase, extra dish sets, etc. Time to get rid of it all! For someone who hates clutter, I certainly have a lot of stuff. At least it’s organized stuff though. Otherwise I would go crazy!!

So now that I have shared my To Do list, let’s hear yours!!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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