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Amazon Prime and other things I am annoyed about…..

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So I have been trying to sign up for Amazon Prime for over a week now and it’s NOT working. Ugh. Bryan is a student and has a .edu e-mail address that I am trying to link up to our existing Amazon account. Yeah. Not happening. I don’t get why it’s not working (and the Amazon help desk is useless), but it’s just not. I’m this close to just getting an Amazon Mom account instead. Which is probably exactly what Amazon wants me to do since it costs more.  Tricky Amazon, tricky.

I tried to clean up my Facebook last night and weed out some people I don’t talk to and just couldn’t do it. Listen, I doubt these people really even care that we are FB friends (they probably wouldn’t even notice if we weren’t friends anymore), but I always feel so bad deleting people. Like I am being mean or something. But seriously, when I can’t even figure out how I know the person, why are we friends? And why can’t I just delete them? So annoying.

Okay, so when I go and try to reply to a blog comment I get in e-mail (they all get e-mailed to me), I have to physically change the “reply to” and type in the person’s e-mail address (or it replies to some random comment address or something). So annoying. If you’ve commented and I have never responded, this is why. I don’t know if it’s my hosting company (Bluehost) or WordPress or what, but I’m over it.  Does anyone know how to fix this so I can just reply like a normal person?

You know what else is annoying me?  Static cling.  We have a humidifier attached to our furnace, but it was making the house too humid (it’s a long story but there was so much moisture in the house that the windows ended up getting all icy – on the inside), so we had to turn it down.  And now I am back to fleece pants that are all stuck together, dry skin and hair that sticks straight up.  Sweet.

Phew.  I feel SO much better getting that all out there.  What’s annoying you today?  And don’t say “your blog” because then I’d be annoyed that you are annoyed because I’m annoying ;).  But seriously, what’s annoying you?  Once you get it out there you’ll feel better!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!