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One of my favorite things about having a blog is being able to see what people googled to brought them to my blog. Usually it’s “monthly subscription boxes” or “apothecary jar ideas” or something along those lines, but every so often, it’s something fun. Like this stuff:

~olympic diver with big package / tom daley bottom: Really? The Games have been over for ages and people are still thinking about this. These divers and their speedos must have made quite a “big” impression on some people, huh ;).
~oreo-o’s for sale the cereal: Oh how I wish I had a basement full of Oreo O’s for sale. That would be amazing. Someone who reads this blog was in South Korea recently and did NOT bring me any Oreo O’s. So rude. Are you reading this?  So rude ;).
~something for $10: In order to find something you like for $10, you may need to be a little more specific. If you want to know what I would buy with $10, I’m going with a Salted Caramel Frappacino from Starbucks and some Kiehls Lip Balm #1.
~suburban mom wishes for cosmopolitan life: This suburban mom doesn’t wish for a cosmopolitan life, but she does wish for a free trip to the cosmopolitan in las vegas ;).  I also get a lot of hits about the cosmopolitan hotel and how to get free rooms, upgrades, etc.  If I knew, I’d tell you.  But I have no clue.  If you know, maybe you could tell me.
~the new mom trends that annoy me: I’m not sure what would define a new mom trend, but I’d love to know so that I too can be annoyed.  I need to do another things that annoy me post soon.  It’s been too long!
~the wiggles funny: If anyone reading this actually enjoys the Wiggles and thinks they are funny, we need to talk.  I actually caught this on tv Saturday morning (I’ll admit that we have a Wiggles DVD too) because L saw it and made us watch.  Oh my.  I was super creeped out.  And those songs.  Oh those songs.  I can never get them out of my head.
~what do do you boo mean: What the what?  I have no clue what this means.  And if this was a typo, I have no idea what they were trying to type?  My only guesses relate to Honey Boo Boo or Halloween and Boo’ing.  Ohhhh, wait, maybe it’s supposed to say, “what DOES, do you boo mean?”.  That would make sense!  And the answer to that is yes, I do boo.
~when do you take down the christmas decorations is there a time limit: Well since you asked, yes, there is a time limit.  I believe they should be down by now.  I will admit that I am somewhat breaking this rule as I have an (undecorated) tree sitting in my upstairs hallway.  I just haven’t had the chance to put it back it it’s box yet.  I am deeply ashamed.  If you still have your Christmas lights on, well, how can I say this nicely, it’s time to turn them off. You can keep them up though, because it’s cold out and who wants to take down lights in the freezing cold.  Or better yet, keep them on and switch them to red and pink and call them Valentine’s Day lights?
~why do some people’s lives seem perfect: This one is easy.  People’s lives seem perfect because it’s the internet and you can be whoever you want to be on the internet.  Ever watch Catfish?  Oh, and speaking of Catfish, last night’s was CRAZY!  But really, no one’s life is perfect so don’t think for a second anyone’s is!  It’s certainly not!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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