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Saturday Smiles

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Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

Today I’m smiling because:

~B is all finished with school for the semester and now has the entire summer off!!! I mean he still has to work, but he’ll be home every night for dinner, which is going to be amazing. Ohh, and he did amazing this semester.

~L is turning 5, yes 5, this week. I cannot even believe my sweet little boy is going to be 5. I remember when he was a baby, 5 seemed SO old! But whether he likes it or not, he’ll always be my baby!

~Speaking of babies, little WB has begun (began?) to take his first steps. He is so stinkin cute when he walks and it looks so funny to see because he looks so little to be walking. I mean, he’s clearly not too young to walk, but he looks little.

~I am starting to enjoy C25K. Wait, enjoy might be too strong of a word. I am starting to not hate it as much. Probably because I don’t feel like I am going to die after two minutes of running. It takes at least four minutes to feel like that now. LOL.

~The Red Wings won last night and forced a game seven in the NHL playoffs!  If you have never been to a hockey game, you should totally go to at least one. They are crazy fun.  At least in Detroit they are anyway.

~There were two episodes of Shark Tank on last night.  Does anyone else immediately google the companies on there?  I do.  I can’t get enough of this show.  I need to think of a product / business and get my butt on there.

~I had a frappe last night.  Normally that wouldn’t be something to smile about, but man, after the crazy day I had, I earned that thing.  And wouldn’t you know I told B to get me a small one, but they gave him a large instead.  SO SAD.  Not ;).

That’s it from here!  What’s got you smiling today?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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