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Tuesday’s Troubles

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It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Troubles. I’ve said it before, but this should be named “things i’m annoyed / confused / want to complain about”, however I couldn’t figure out how to make any of those into a snappy title, so Tuesday Troubles it is. And yes, I do realize that these aren’t true “troubles”. I know these for sure could be defined as first world problems!

~As you know, B and I have been eating a lot of hard boiled eggs during our Challenge. I mean a lot. He hard boils them and then it’s up to me to peel them. OMG this is a pain in my butt. I have no system or method to peel the eggs I just crack them and start. Is there a better way to be doing this? I feel like I am wasting time peeling hard boiled eggs. Someone must know an amazing trick to make my life a little easier. Peeling these eggs is a complete time suck.

~When we got home from up-north, we discovered a robin’s nest, complete with three eggs in the house part of L’s swingset. The problem with this would be that umm, birds have a nest in his swingset and are flying in and out of there all the time. L loves it of course, but it’d only be a matter of time before the nest gets “accidentally” touched and falls to the ground.  So we relocated it to a nearby tree.  Is this acceptable?  Will the momma bird be able to find the nest?

~Has anyone tried acupuncture?  There is nothing specific I need “cured” or “fixed”, but I wouldn’t mind trying it for back pain.  Or headaches.  I really don’t know much about it though other than it sounds interesting and I know a lot of people swear by it.

~So this Snowden dude who leaked all the surveillance secrets is living in the transit zone of the airport in Moscow correct?  Can someone explain this area to me?  Is it like a hotel?  A room?  A hallway?  Do we even know?  What?  I don’t get it at all.  I did a little digging and came up with this article from Slate, which gives a few options (he’s either being detained and is in cell like conditions, staying a posh hotel and eating Burger King or somewhere in Moscow that has been deemed a “transit zone”), but no one really seems to know do they?

~I need some clean eating ideas.  Maybe some make at home protein bars or muffins or cookies or something.  I’m getting bored with just eating fruits and veggies (I know that’s what this is all about, but still) and could use some sort of a baked good.  Any ideas??

That’s it from here for now! What’s troubling you today?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!