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September Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box

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September Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box
September Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box

Not only did my Tyler Florence Fancy Box arrive when I was away, but so did my September Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box! I hadn’t even gotten a chance to peek at spoilers yet and there it was!

The Box

Fancy Box still ships via FedEx and JLH still does not have her own Fancy Box boxes.  I believe all the other celebs have one, except for her.  Her boxes have been fabulous lately, so I think it’s about time she gets her own!

First Look

I was excited to see that this box also had the cute little Fancy packing paper!  Seriously when I opened this box, the paper was all I was thinking about.  I am way too easily impressed.

The Information Cards

I pulled out all the items without taking a good look at them.  It wasn’t until I put the information cards together that I realized we had a theme going on! And it was a cosmopolitan theme at that!  SO FUN!!!!!

~Molecule-R Cosmopolitan ($29): I have always wondered how they make those fancy “balls” in drinks at the bar and now I know!  I have not had time to, well, drink since I got home from my trip, but I will make sure to Instagram our drinks when B and I use this!

Molecule-R Cosmopolitan

~Final Touch Glass Cocktail Shaker ($25):  No idea why I took a picture of the french side of this box, but you get the idea ;).  I *thought* we had something like this, but I’m not so sure anymore because I can’t find it?  It’s got a bunch of drink recipes on it too, which I know will come in handy!

Final Touch Glass Cocktail Shaker

~Core Bamboo Mixology Bar Board ($15): I find it kind of funny that Jennifer Love Hewitt is pregnant and has selected all drinking related items for this months box!  That girl must need a drink!  I have never thought to use a special cutting board JUST for making drinks, but why not? It’s certainly got the cute factor!

Core Bamboo Mixology Bar Board

~Talk it Up Drink Markers ($10): I totally love these!  I can put my drink down and two seconds later I have no idea which one is mine.  It doesn’t even matter how many drinks I have had.  I still have zero idea!

Talk it Up Drink Markers

All totaled, the September Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box had a value of $79, which as always, is far beyond the cost of the box itself (Fancy Boxes are $39 + $7.95 shipping). Last month was like the perfect JLH Fancy box for me, but I gotta say, this was a close second!  I want to have a little Sex in the City viewing night and drink some fancy cosmopolitans!

Did you get the September JLH Fancy Box?  What’d you think? If you are thinking of ordering this or ANY of the Fancy Boxes, click here and get on it! You can always use the coupon code “FOLLOWUP10″ to save 10% on any, order, including subscription boxes.  If you can’t find the Fancy Box you are looking for, I suggest just doing search for “Fancy Box“. It’s much easier than trying to navigate their site.

Disclosure: This post contains referral links.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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