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Dear Parenthood, You are awesome. I can’t believe we only have three episodes left together. I’m going to miss you.
Dear Spark, You are a complete live saver. For reals. However, Starbucks, I do miss you.
Dear L’s, School, I don’t know who was more sad that you didn’t cancel yesterday. Him or I? Probably me because he didn’t realize that most of the other schools in the area did close!
Dear Justin Bieber, You do not look as good in your Calvin’s as Marky Mark. Sorry. Not happening.
Dear DietBet, The more I looked into you, the less sure I am of my love for you. I have no idea how I thought they’d track this over the internet, but there are so many steps to enter!
Dear The News, Thank you for constant reminders on how to drive in the snow. It’s not like anyone. We live in Michigan so you’d think we’d all be familiar with it, but no one on the roads seems to be.
Dear Garth Brooks, Where have I been? You are awesome. Such a lovely man!
Dear Farrah, OMG your lips! Even though I think you look crazy, you think so as well and seem to have a sense of humor about it, so I didn’t feel too bad when I giggled at your picture.