Friday’s Letters

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Dear Parenthood, You are awesome. I can’t believe we only have three episodes left together. I’m going to miss you.

Dear Spark, You are a complete live saver. For reals. However, Starbucks, I do miss you.

Dear L’s, School, I don’t know who was more sad that you didn’t cancel yesterday. Him or I? Probably me because he didn’t realize that most of the other schools in the area did close!

Dear Justin Bieber, You do not look as good in your Calvin’s as Marky Mark.  Sorry. Not happening.

Dear DietBet, The more I looked into you, the less sure I am of my love for you. I have no idea how I thought they’d track this over the internet, but there are so many steps to enter!

Dear The News, Thank you for constant reminders on how to drive in the snow. It’s not like anyone. We live in Michigan so you’d think we’d all be familiar with it, but no one on the roads seems to be.

Dear Garth Brooks, Where have I been? You are awesome. Such a lovely man!

Dear Farrah, OMG your lips!  Even though I think you look crazy, you think so as well and seem to have a sense of humor about it, so I didn’t feel too bad when I giggled at your picture.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. bisexual narwhal

    What is Spark?

    1. theramblingjen

      It’s from Advocare. It’s vitamin / energy drink with caffeine.

  2. Lindsey Ferguson

    AHH! We just started watching Parenthood from the beginning a few weeks ago. That show is awesome!

    1. theramblingjen

      OMG it’s so good!

  3. Sneaky Burrito

    I clicked through to Diet Bet after you mentioned it the other day. You have to take a picture of yourself standing on the scale and then take a picture of the scale (with a word written on a piece of paper in the picture).

    Wouldn’t work for me — I live alone so there is no one to take the picture. I mean, I understand the need for verification. Otherwise people would lie and take the money. Even one of those Fitbit scales wouldn’t work because they’d have no way of knowing who was standing on the scale or if you were leaning on the wall or had one foot on the ground or something. Seems like they ought to allow you to go to the doctor (or the Walgreens health clinic, or even a Weight Watchers meeting or gym) and have a nurse or staff member sign off on your weight, though.

    1. theramblingjen

      You could do in front of a mirror right? I would somehow prefer NOT to be in a photograph with both my face and weight through. LOL!

      1. Kiley Young

        I love dietbet! I’m super shy about my weight, so I take all of my pictures myself. For my full-length picture, I put my camera (I use my tablet because it’s better quality than my phone) on timer mode and prop it up across the room. Lots of people use full-length mirrors. And Jen, the full body picture doesn’t have to have the scale read out, it just has to show you on it- so no worries about both your face and weight in the same picture! Scale one only has feet + code word + weight.

        1. I do the same, I use timer mode on my phone and upload it all through the ap. The ap is really easy to use (they’ve recently updated it, before it kind of sucked). Just take the plunge and do it! It’s so motivating! I am bummed though, I missed round 3 of my transformer bet I’m in (I posted the pic yeatersay of the payouts) and the pau out for round 3 was $44.15 (vs $12.50 wager)!

          1. theramblingjen

            Oh that is a great payout!!!

        2. theramblingjen

          Oh that is good to know! I could probably handle that 😉

    2. Guest

      I love dietbet! I’m super shy about my weight, so I take all of my pictures myself. For my full-length picture, I put my camera (I use my tablet because it’s better quality than my phone) on timer mode and prop it up across the room. Lots of people use full-length mirrors. And Jen, the full body picture doesn’t have to have the scale read out, it just has to show you on it- so no worries about both your face and weight in the same picture!

  4. Lana

    I’ve done a bunch of Diet Bets and it’s awesome 🙂 I take a pic in the mirror, and it’s always paid out more than I put in when I’ve lost the weight!

  5. Elizabeth

    I just looked into dietbet for the first time yesterday after someone commented about their success with it. I think I might actually do one of the 4 week bets.

  6. Mrs. L

    This no coffee thing is driving me banana cakes! I can’t even drink tea. Water. Water with lemon. More water. ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!

    And did you see the photos of Bieber that have been Photoshopped? No sure if they are real but supposedly CK doctored the real photos of the skinny Beiber to make him look more buff!

  7. Jennifer Holzmeyer Louthan

    I find it highly funny that you called Garth Brooks a lovely man. LOL did you not like him the first time around? He was actually one of Ms and my first dates. He got some free tickets and we drove down to Charlotte to go. The seats were horrible but it was a good show.

  8. Sara Blinder

    Oh my goodness, I totally agree about Bieber/Marky Mark!

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