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So What Wednesday!

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This week I am saying So What If….

~I am scared I am going to wreck the lawn while B is out of town this summer. He takes great pride in having a nice lawn and I don’t want to mess it up.
~I think voting is fun.
~I haven’t watched Paw Patrol in about a few weeks and I kind of miss it.
~I still think that fountain coke from McDonalds is incredible and probably always will.
~I really enjoying hunting for Lilly items at Target.
~I don’t understand why Baxter can’t bark when he ends up getting trapped in a room – like when he falls asleep under WB’s bed and the door gets closed with him inside.
~I can never get my Dubsmash videos of the kids timed right.  Maybe one day.
~I’d like to think that this guy is for real.
~I love Jimmy Fallon, but I miss Jay Leno and his headlines.
~Buddy might be crazy, but the way he can’t let “his kids” out of site they are all outside is very sweet.  He’ll even go in the neighbors yard with them.  He needs to know where those kids are at ;).
~I might want a mini-van for my next car.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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