Universal Yums May 2015 Subscription Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Disclosure: This complimentary box was sent for review purposes. As always, all opinions are my own and no compensation was received. This post contains affiliate links.
Universal Yums
Cost: Yum Box: $13/month.  Yum Yum Box: $25/month.
Ships To: United States & Canada (additional shipping charges apply)
Coupon Code: N/A
Universal Yums May 2015 Subscription Review
Universal Yums May 2015 Subscription Box

Universal Yums! is a monthly subscription box featuring international snacks. Each month you will receive a selection of snacks from a different country delivered right to your door.  They offer a “Yum Box” for $13/month which includes 6 or more snacks every month and a “Yum Yum Box” for $25/month which includes 13 or more snacks every month..  I received the Yum Yum Box to review.

The Box

Universal Yums! ships via USPS. Boxes are shipped between the 8th to the 15th of the month. If you sign up before the 7th of the month, you will receive your first box this month. If you sign up after the 7th, you will receive your first box the following month.

First Look

Universal Yums! matches their tissue paper to the color of the featured country’s flag.  It’s very thoughtful and shows how much time and care they put into these boxes.

The Information Card

The May 2015 Universal Yums! destination was Israel and included the following delicious treats:

~Osem Original Bamba: These are super interesting.  They are basically a peanut flavored cheese puff.  Without cheese of course.  They even stick to the roof of your mouth like actual peanut butter.

Osem Original Bamba

~Original Bissli Smokey: I thought these were going to be filled with something, but they are just tube shaped.  They kind of remind me of fritos.  Tube shaped fritos.

Original Bissli Smokey

~Elite Popping Milk Chocolate: This is chocolate + pop rocks.  It’s different, but good.  It tastes like a nestle crunch at first, but then the pop rocks start popping in your mouth.  Super fun!  L loved it!

Elite Popping Milk Chocolate

~B&B Sesame Pretzel Sticks: I think sesame pretzel sticks are an acquired taste.  I am so used to just plain pretzels that it look a while to realize the sesame was supposed to be there.

B&B Sesame Pretzel Sticks

~Kif Kef Chocolate Bar: This isn’t exactly a Kit-Kat bar, but it’s very similar.  It’s more chocolaty and less crunchy, but still good.

Kif Kef Chocolate Bar

~PesekZman Chocolate Bar: This bar (like most of the chocolate bars in this box were pretty melted), so I let them sit in the house to harden up before I opened them and they were fine.  Not perfect looking, but that is okay.  This was chocolate covered wafer type bar with hazelnut filling.  Probably one of my favorites in the entire box.

PesekZman Chocolate Bar

~Pnuki Cola Dragees: These were actually open and loose in the box (I assume that it happened in shipping) so I didn’t try them.  They are supposed to have the taste of Coca-Cola and cure some of those soda cravings without drinking soda.

Pnuki Cola Dragees

~Toffee Fruit Chews: Love these.  They are chewy and fruity and the packaging is adorable.

Toffee Fruit Chews

~Marble Sesame Halva Bar: I was basically loving everything in the box until this came along.  It tastes like ground up sesame seeds somehow formed into a bar.  Not my favorite that’s for sure.

Marble Sesame Halva Bar

~Elite Hazelnut Chocolate Bar: Pretty much this is a snickers bar without the nuts.  It’s good, but it’s not a snickers bar.

Elite Hazelnut Chocolate Bar

~Falafel Bissli: These are SUPER crunchy, but really good.  Very flavorful.

Falafel Bissli

~Bamba Peanut Snack with Hazelnut Cream Filling: The outer shell on these is peanut flavored and the filling is a hazelnut creme.  And they are good.  It’s probably for the best that these aren’t sold here in the US!

Bamba Peanut Snack with Hazelnut Cream Filling

I didn’t do a cost breakdown on the Universal Yums! box, but I loved this box.  I totally enjoyed trying everything and I realized that Isreal has some very yummy snacks!  If you are interested in ordering you can check them out here!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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