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Friday’s Letters

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Dear Sunshine, I saw you for 2 minutes yesterday and it made my week. I’ll take what I can get right now.

Dear L, Congrats on rocking your spelling test this week! That is clearly not a skill you got from me.

Dear W, Yes, I took your brother out for a Slurpee date without you yesterday. And I am sorry he told you about it because you were NOT happy at all. You did, however, get to eat ice-cream with your Nana. I guess you forgot about that.

Dear Homeland, OMG I didn’t know you were back! B and I are going to have so much binge-watching to do when he gets home.

Dear B (and his Co-Worker), THANK YOU for finding Oreo O’s!

Dear Buddy, I know I might give you a hard time (and you give me a hard time by barking at me when I take you outside), but you are so sweet to the kids.  You even go into the bathroom with W because he doesn’t like to be alone.

Dear W’s School, You have no have how excited W is for PJ Day today.  It’s all I have been hearing about for weeks!

Dear My Mom, Fine, you are right.  My itchy arm(s) were probably an allergic reaction and not the 9-1-1 emergecy I was making them out to be.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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