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Happy 4th Birthday Lucas!

Happy 4th Birthday to my sweet Lucas (*)! 4 years ago today our lives changed in the best way ever.…


Things I Would Like to Tell Celebrities:

Tiger Woods: Please go back to your old lifestyle. Obviously taking the moral high road just isn't for you. So…


Random Ramblings

B and I had a mini date night last night. It was mini date night because we had W, but…


So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT…


More Photoshop Fun!

I posted about my first attempt at Photoshop the other day and have been playing around with it a little…


I’ve been tagged! 25 things you don’t know about me!

I've been tagged by Erynn over at two journeys: one life. I "met" Erynn years and years ago on a…


Things People Google

I realize I haven't done this in a while and it's totally overdue. So, here is what people have googled…


Silent Sundays


It’s Time for Another Poll…..

So I have been wondering this a lot lately. What do your kid's friends call you? Mr. and Mrs. Last…


Random Ramblings

I am just wrapping up my first week home with my little boys and am having a great time! I…


Things I’m Loving Thursday: Random Mix Edition

Tide Pods: I think I'm in love. I have a feeling I use WAY too much laundry detergent when I…


Patriotic Wreath – A DIY Project

I've been eyeing this 4th of July / flag wreath on Pinterest for ages now. And ever since I got…


So What Wednesday…..

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT…


Photoshop Fun

I mentioned the other day that one of the things on my To Do List was to learn Photoshop. The…


Freezer Meals

With the help of my trusty assistant, I decided to make a few freezer meals yesterday. I know most people…


Silent Sundays


Great Ideas!

Pinterest (aka the biggest time suck ever) is full of great ideas. I thought I would share a few of…


To Do List..

Now that I have some spare time (not really, but whatever), I need to get some stuff on my "To…


Random Ramblings…

I have newborn fever.  I can't get enough of little W.  I love seeing B look at W and listening…


So What Wednesday…

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT…


Money Saving Tips ~ Baby Edition

I won't deny it, having a newborn is expensive. But there are ways to save. Lots of them actually. I…


Try It Tuesday: Squishy Baff

So L has seen the commercial for Squishy Baff a few times now and has been asking for it ever…


Now What?

So I never really mentioned it on the blog before, but up until a week or so ago, I had…


Silent Sunday


Freebie Fridays (A Day Late) ~ Hospital Edition

If you've read my blog for any amount of time, I am sure you know about my love for free…
