Things I Love Thursday: App Edition

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Although I do love my iPhone (and iPad) I am not as up on the latest apps as a lot of people I know. But here are ones I cannot go a day without using:

Facebook: Really, who doesn’t have Facebook on their phone. I am pretty sure I would be out of touch with the world if I didn’t have FB. It’s sort of sad to say, but I do get a lot of news from FB. Some people have CNN. I have Facebook.

Maps: I think this a standard app that comes on every iPhone. But it has gotten me out of a million jams. Need to find the local Target? Type it in. Need to figure out where you are? Just find the blue dot on the phone. Need directions? You got it!

Angry Birds: If I met the creator of this game, I would either kick him for wasting way too much of my time or hug him. I am totally hooked on that stupid game. My 2 1/2 year old even loves it and knows he needs to get “all those eggs”! Best $0.99 I ever spent!

Instragram: I just discovered this app yesterday when I saw it mentioned on this blog. I am already hooked and cannot stop “editing” pictures. This is one of my current favorite pictures and I laugh every time I see it! Lucas and his bff’s! Those poor dogs!

I wanted those pictures to come out in a square, two on top, two on bottom, but I am totally clueless on how to do it. It appears that closing your eyes and wishing doesn’t work on WordPress.

TMZ: Without the TMZ app, how would I know what is going on with Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson every second of the day? Those two in a room together would really be something else.

Groupon: Groupon is probably the first app I open in the morning. Some people check and see what the weather is going to be like. I look at Groupon and see if they have anything I want to buy. I also look at other cities Groupons in case they have something fabulous that I “need”. One click of a button and those 1/2 off botox injections in Portland are mine! Just kidding!!!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Shannon

    I think it’s safe to say instagram is the best invention EVER! i may never have professional pics taken again! <3 that damn ap!

    1. Jennifer

      I know! Why didn’t I know about this before???

  2. Karen

    I have to dowload instagram! I didn’t know tmz had an app – need.

    1. Jennifer

      You do need it. Duh, winning!!!!

    1. Jennifer

      I can’t wait to see what you do with it!

  3. Courtney

    Angry Birds has wasted more time in my life than anything else. Oh well. I need that photo app! I have camera bag but always love finding new ones!

    1. Jennifer

      How did you like Instagram??

  4. Heather

    Instagram looks so cool. I don’t think my Bberry has this; apparently I “need” an iphone…

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