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November bluum Review – “Let’s Play”

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November bluum - Let's Play
November bluum – Let’s Play

I was shocked when my mailman (my mail lady must be sick) appeared today with my November bluum box! I was expecting a few boss which didn’t come, but never did I think bluum would appear.

The Box

bluum ships via FedEx Smart Post and wasn’t scheduled to arrive until Friday.  I have never a package from SmartPost three full days early, but I hope it’s a sign of things to come!

First Look

I had seen some quite impressive bluum boxes this month, but I knew from the first look that mine was not one of those.  Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t OMG amazing either.  The box was also probably 90% fill of packing materials and 10% full of product which kind of lessened my excitement.

My November bluum theme was “Let’s Play” which is the 23 (?) month-old bluum box theme (I have WB aged up for some reason and I can’t age him back down or I will get repeat themes) and was all about, well, play time.  It usually comes with a general information card, but mine was missing this month. I mention it every month, but I think it’s important to note in case you stumble here wondering what you’ll get in your “Let’s Play” box.  Although bluum uses the same themes for each monthly age group box (i.e. the 21 month-old box will always be “Brush Up”, the 20 month-old box will always be “World of Colors”, etc.), not everyone gets the same items in their box.  Box contents vary from month to month, so you don’t really ever know what you will get.  Because of that, they e-mail you a box list with contents and links and descriptions on the day you get the box.

Here’s what my box contained this month:

~Hohner Kids – Animal Bell ($5): WB loved this and I am lucky I even got to take pictures of it.  As soon as he saw it, he NEEDED it.  Like freaking out needed it.  What’s not to like it guess?  It makes noise and it’s shaped like an animal.  My mailman and I were cracking up because the box was making noise when he handed it to me.  He says that it’s super creepy when there are dolls in boxes that randomly start talking in the back of the truck.  Says it freaks him out every time!

Hohner Kids – Animal Bell

~Happy Family – Happy Yogis (Strawberry and Banana Mango) ($7.98): These are a favorite around here, but I haven’t bought them in a while, so they were a welcome item.  WB already cracked into the strawberry ones and had a nice little snack while watching Elmo this afternoon.

Happy Family – Happy Yogis (Strawberry and Banana Mango)

~Little Pim French Bop CD ($14.99):  At first I was like ugh, a CD, but I realized that no, this is good for car rides and playing in the playroom.  I have it in my purse so I totally remember to play it next time we go for a ride.  WB and I are in the car a lot, so this will work out quite nicely.

Little Pim French Bop CD

~Happy Family Breakfast Smoothie ($1.99): I haven’t been able to talk WB into trying this yet (we still have Elmo pouches and those get eaten first around here), but it’s something he will for sure eat and enjoy.  I want to find these at a store be near me!

Happy Family Breakfast Smoothie

~Baby Legs (Jigsaw) ($10):  Hmm.  I, by no means, think that boys can’t wear pink and purple or that sort of thing, however, I don’t even know if WB could pull these off.  B would certain say he couldn’t.  LOL.  I’ll probably end up trading these or gifting them, but I do think they are totally adorable.

Baby Legs (Jigsaw)

All totaled I came up with a value of $39.96 for the November “Let’s Play” bluum box.  I enjoyed this box more than last month’s and I am hoping that next month’s is even better.  Either way, it was over the $24.95 cost of the box and I felt like it was worth the cost!

Did you get bluum this month?  What’d you think?  And what was your theme?  And if you are interested in subscribing or want to learn more, click here.  If you use my link (or anyone else’s), you’ll get 50% off your first month!

Disclosure: This post contains referral links!
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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