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Amazing Foods (Not Sold in the U.S.)

It's possible that yesterday was the biggest day of my life. Why you ask? Because I received a package of…


Tuesday Troubles

It's time for another edition of Tuesdays's Troubles. I've said it before, but this should be named "things i'm annoyed…


A Few Box Deals…

I'm updating the codes on my Monthly Subscription Box List tonight and thought I'd highlight a few of the best…


A Poll: What’s your LEAST favorite household chore?

No question, my total least favorite chore of all times is vacuuming. I cannot stand dragging that annoying thing around…


Monday Morning Ramblings

~We had a fairly busy weekend around here, which mainly revolved around bunny pictures. I realized that this weekend was…


Silent Sunday


March Stork Stack Review

Note: As of April 2014, Stork Stack has merged with bluum. Our March Stork Stack arrived yesterday and I was…


Sunday Social – The 5s

I am, once again, linking up with Ashley and Neely for today's Sunday Social. 1. 5 songs you'll listen to…


March Birchbox Man Review

B's March Birchbox Man box arrived today and let me tell you, he was super annoyed that I made him…


March Favorite Things Giveaway!

Allright, I was going to wait until Monday to post this, but (as usual) I'm too excited about it to…


Saturday’s Smiles

Today I'm smiling because: ~B's on Spring Break next week. That means he'll be home every night this week for…


So you want to start a blog? A Q&A!

I've been getting a few e-mails lately about how to go about starting a blog, how to get readers, what…


Friday iPhone Dump

1. This week was kinda crazy weather wise.  Rain.  Snow.  Melting snow.  Let me tell you, none of it bothers…


Friday’s Letters

Dear The Yellow Pages, Did you seriously just appear on my front porch yesterday?  Seriously?  Who still uses you?  There's…


Pre-Spring Cleaning / To-Do List

I'm totally doing something that I hate right now, making a blog post without pictures. But I've got no pictures…


February KnitCrate Review

I received a February KnitCrate (Beginner Package) in the mail yesterday and I couldn't wait to see what this month's…


Thursday Thoughts

~First things first. My menu bar is no longer black. And my header doesn't have weird black lines around it…

GLOSSYBOX Review + Coupon Code – February 2013

GLOSSYBOX Review + Coupon Code – February 2013

I enjoyed the Man Repeller GLOSSYBOX I was sent to review so much, that I decided to sign up for…


OMG it was gone. And other blog news.

If you tried to access my blog last night, you may have been greeted with a white page. Just a…


So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT…


What I’m Loving Wednesday!

I'm linking up again with this kind of love for What I'm Loving Wednesday. I'm Loving..... Teen Mom:  I don't know…


A Few Deals….

There's a few deals going on now that are too good not to share! ~The Little Book Club is on…


Tuesday Troubles

~It has come to my attention (*) that I am NOT going to be able to learn Photoshop on my…


February Mommébox Review

Edited to Add: Mommébox is no longer in business. It turns out that Mommébox did end up shipping a February box…


Poll: How often do you wash your sheets?

You know how I love me some polls. So far we have learned that the majority of you shower everyday…
