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Sunday Social

Aww, heck, I'll play again this week! 1. 5 items you can't live without on a daily basis (water, food,…


Silent Sunday


The Mantry Company September Review (Volume I) – “Born in the USA”

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I wasn't sure what I was going to blog about today and then? The…


Friday iPhone Dump

I cannot believe it's already Friday! This week has seriously flown by. I hope things slow down because I do…


Friday’s Letters

Dear Groupon, Thank you SO much for the tracking number of the item I purchased. I wondered why it was…


Throwback Thursday

Since I can never seen to fit Flashback Friday in, I decided to go with Throwback Thursday. Same thing, different…


Do you have a hobby?

So in talking to various friends of mine (in real life and online), I have realized that not everyone has…


BabbaBox: The Trial Box Review

Edited to Add: BabbaBox was acquired by Barefoot Books and is no longer offering a subscription service. I received my…


What I’m Loving Wednesday!

I'm linking up again with this kind of love for What I'm Loving Wednesday: I'm Loving..... Revlon Nail Art Moon…


So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT…


A Tattoo Poll (aka HELP!)

Okay, so I posted a picture of a tattoo last week that I was thinking about getting. If you are…


Random Ramblings

~First of all, I want to take a minute to remember the events of 9-11-01.  It's hard to believe that…


A Pantry Project

This may come as a shock (LOL), but there are places in my house that I have no gotten around…


Weekend Recap

Another weekend has come and gone. And this weekend we were BUSY! Not busy running all over town doing stuff.…


Sunday Social

I skipped a few weeks of Sunday Social, but I'm back again! 1. What is the name of your blog…


Silent Sunday


Flashback Friday (the Saturday Edition)

I think instead of Flashback Friday, I am going to do Throwback Thursday. There isn't as much going on in…


September Wittlebee Box Review

Edited to Add: Wittlebee is no longer in business. My September Wittlebee Box arrived last week and I am finally…

Kiwi Crate: Cover Photo Star Box Review

Kiwi Crate: Cover Photo Star Box Review

Because L is so stinkin cute, he was selected to be one of the September Kiwi Crate Cover Photo Stars!…


Friday iPhone Dump

It's possible that this may be the lamest dump ever. Oh well, what can you do. Some weeks are super…


Friday’s Letters

Dear U-verse: I received that wireless tv router thing I requested, but did you have to make it so complicated…


Things That Annoy Me: The Blog Edition

The more I read blogs, the more I get annoyed with certain things. And I am sure some people get…


First Day of School!

If you follow me on Instagram you know that today was L's first dat of preschool. Now, he only goes…


What I’m Loving Wednesday!

I'm linking up again with this kind of love for What I'm Loving Wednesday: I'm Loving..... A friend of mine…


So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT…
